Chapter 6: Urizen and Cain

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As we had followed Nero and V, killing a lot of demons, we stopped as Nero had finally stopped. V was several feet away from him.

"Hey! I though you took off." He said to V.

"Do you not understand?" V replied. "We cannot hope to do this without you."

"That's alright superstar," Griffon injected. "Go on with you bad self. We've got this."

I glanced at the bird and just shook my head. As if V's own Griffon didn't annoy me. This one seemed worse.

Nero shrugged and went over a cliff, while I glanced at V and the others. "Guess we better follow. Hey V from this universe, you want any help?"

"If you will to help, I'll accept it. Otherwise I've got a handle on this."

"Couldn't even answer a simple yes or no question." I muttered before hopping down. Victor hand shortly joined me as well as Lucien and Tori.

"Roni said she'll hang back with V. " Tori said.

I merely smirked. So I know why she did so. I wonder....

I shrugged. "Better you too, but your brave enough that I know you won't stand down."

"You've got that right," Tori replied, punching me playfully in the shoulder. "Besides I've got a bad feeling about this."

"You and me both. How about you Lucien?"

"Hm. I've been having all kinds of bad feelings since I got here. So don't ask me."

"Typical." I replied. "I'm not asking you Victir because you don't state you're ever scared"

"Always putting words in my mouth." Victor replied.

"That's my job as the younger brother. Get used to it." I smirked.

Victor just shook his head as we ha continued following Nero until we entered the chamber and I felt Cain really getting riled up. Literally. I dropped to the ground groaning. "Ramier what's wrong?" Tori asked coming to my side.

"I don't know. It's getting worse though."

"Cain huh?" Victor asked. "Figures."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Tori snapped at him.

"Don't have time to explain." Victor replied as we had just seen Nero flung like a ragdoll by a grotesque demon that sat in a chair. It stayed focused on us then it created a fireball to then shoot it towards us until it disintegrated by bullets.

"Round two." A older man with white hair, wearing a red coat, black pants and gray t-shirt said. He then transformed into a demon and launched at the larger one, only to be stopped by it with a invisible shield. The demon held him back with ease. Immediately V and Roni appeared.

"V get Nero out here!! This was a bad move!" The man said. 

"I can still fight." Nero grunted as he was struggling to get up on his feet.

"Nero go! You're just dead weight!" The man grunted out."

As this was happening a lot of the structure was beginning to crumble, making us get wary and begin to exit except for some reason I couldn't move. I was rotted to the spot. Tori pulled at me as well as Roni. "We've got to go!! Now. Victor and Lucien are leaving too!"

"Don't even dare touch me!" I snared grabbing her and Roni and tossing them out the doorway, just as it was closing. I had turned back around to see the demon punch the man's sword shattering it to pieces. He went tumbling down into an abyss while I glanced at the creature that created a portal.

It looked my way and simply nodded, making me follow suit. I rushed over to it and we both entered the darkness coming out to a large tree. "What is that?"

"Qlippoth roots become this very tree. It will bring absolute power with its fruit. I intend on taking it." It replied.

"What makes you think I'll just join along?" I asked.

"Because like me, you Cain are searching for power. That's the only reason I called you here. As well as destroy the Sons of Sparda. After that power is yours."

"I see. So you'll just share because of the kindness of your heart. How interesting."

"You will not be unaided," the demon responded. "This demon will assist you. He's nothing former of what he was, but it will do."

A dark blue demon that reminded me of the other man's demon form appeared next to the larger demon.

"Who the hell is he?"

"Call him Nelo Angelo. He will be useful. He was the one who brought forth the Yamato from the demon hybrid Nero. Now the chance is once in a lifetime. Are you in or not?"

I merely glanced at the demon then at Nelo Angelo. "I look forward to this. One last thing. What do I call you? I don't do matter or partner as titles."

"You may call me Urizen."

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