Chapter 10: Regroup

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As King and I followed Victor onto the bridge we saw that Nero from this universe had begun killing demons with his prosthetic arm along with Lucien who was using skills I hadn't seen him use in a long time. Skills I had shown him to use when he felt he was outclassed. He jumped into the air and threw his sword letting it fly and then immediately he caused it to fly and but other demons before returning back to his hand. I had to admit, he learned well from Victor with his telekinetic abilities. I then threw my sword and it hut a demon that had tried to sneak up. He glanced in my direction a look of surprise as I flicked my hand causing my sword to fly back to my own hand as well. It was frightening to see that one's own son had perfected the techniques beyond what one could hope for. He kicked another demon while I walked over to him. Pointing his sword at me. "So Cain what's the catch? You here just to play along until you feel like destroying us?"

"Shut up fool," I replied, quickly giving him an embrace. "Glad to see your still alive and well. Your mother would be pleased to see such. Cain will remain in the corner for now until he decides to reveal himself."

"Bite me Pops." Lucien replied, shaking his mangled hair full of apparently blood of the Empusa he just killed, save for the fact that I killed one near him, which created the issue as well. Guess he'd be the one to blame me later but I would overlook his brash behavior simply because I can do so as a father. Otherwise I'd be on him like white on rice kicking his ass for his impertinence.

Signing away my sword to him all those years ago was the greatest thing that could've happened to our relationship as father and son. He'd grown tremendously, outshining his friends and out classing his relative at phenomenal leaps and bounds. I was happy to say I was proud to be his father. Ever since we got here however, he's been brassy. It could revolve around this new girl Nico. I'd  guess it be so, but that didn't give away my
position as dad, as his father.

Taking away my mannerism and position as father was unforgivable. I placed a firm hand on Lucien's shoulder to which he shook off with a scoff. That then and done it for his time to apologize. His ass living begins now. I flung him into a wall, placing my elbow against his trachea, to which he gaped for air. I could hear the scuffle of movement behind me and a click of a gun. "Put him down goddammit!" Nico's voice rang out.

Looking over my shoulder I noticed that Nero's gun Blue Rose was at the back of my skull. Well I'll be dammed. Returning my gaze back at Lucien who had finally gone blue to my utter amazement as I relaxed such pressure against hums throat. "Sorry about that Lucien. You need to remember who the hell up are talking too. You may be an adult, but I am still your father. Respect is a must for all people regardless of age. You got that boy? I don't like being aggressive but this newfound power of yours with the devil trigger is getting the best of you. Don't forget who you are son."

Lucien nodded as I turned my back to view Nero. "Kid you need to back off before I shove that up our ass. I don't like bullets or guns shot at me . They make me a but skittish if you understand my meaning."

Nero scoffed at me before putting his gun I his holster to make me simply smirk in then as we turned our attention elsewhere. That happened to be ahead of us where a butch of Qlippoth roots were gathering. I patted Nero on the shoulder. "So kid you going to handle this? I think you need some constructive work besides worrynf about me and the others. We've got our shit together."

Nero raised an eyebrow. "Wow. How did you end up as a father. You've got some nerves telling me to know wrong and right when you've got  your own shit to handle. For example your son."

I clipped off from his shoulder and merely waved my hand towards the direction of the congregation of Qlippoth Roots. He  flipped me off with his boyish attitudes and I as always find myself thinking  if he got ate would I actually care. Perhaps I would if he was screaming f for help. Otherwise I do have other things to waste my time and care for. Now I needed to figure out how to stop Urizen and get the hell back home once we found Dante, Vergil, Claire, and Morrigan. Couldn't say for Roni. She turned bad just like I did shortly ago. Alessa was her demon perhaps, and I was a little disturbed that her demon worked with her. Guess I would ask Tori about this.

Nero had been battling alongside our Nero for Limbo like a crazy tag team. Nero from our world, grabbed a large car and jumped up slamming it into the large roots too, splitting it in half while the other Nero took out blue rose gun and shot it creating a domino effect as all the other roots crumbled into dust. Nico whistled for us to hop in the van while her eyes were piercing right into my soul as I climbed in.

"This feels like Scooby Doo and the Mystery Gang. "Tori remarked as Nico drove up aheadto reach the two Neros. She was talking to the Nero from this universe.

"Hey tough guy, that'll keep them. But not
for long."

"Whattaya mean?" He asked.

"Soldier boy said the city's goin to hell and back. Taken over by the underworld."

Nero remained silent then clutched his arm above his prosthesis. I heard him mutter. "Yamato did this."

He the shortly got in the passenger side while our Nero hopped in the back with us. Tori as always had to ask. "What were saying about Yamato? That's  Vergil's sword you know."

"Yeah I know," he grunted. "Some demon ambushed me while I was unaware tearing off my arm without a signal human force at all. That are was the arm that I was able to wield Yamato. That demon was Urizen. He fled after he too my arm saying that he was running out of time. He created a portal and just walked through it."

Tori placed her hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry that this happened. We'll stop Urizen and fetch Yamtato back to end this nightmare."

"Agreed. V's going to meet us up ahead."

I remained silent as I let it all sink in. It wasn't Urizen who took Yamato. It was Nelo Angelo. That demon took it without a second's glance. But why do it for Urizen. Or was it for something else. I would figure it put eventually.

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