Chapter 12: The Fall of Goliath

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As Alessa and I traveled through the city, larger vibrations were starting to pick up east of us. It definitely wasn't us and I knew for a fact that Urizen had others under him. But some might feel greed enough to try to take his throne. It seemed unlikely, but one could never know. As we leaped up ahead on the rooftops, I couldn't shake it that Alessa was joining me side by side. I'd normally use her to my advantage, but who'd know that she might still feel that same way about that. I'd bank that shed use me eventually. But I was like a chess player moving everything in the direction that I'd saw fit. Sorry to say there could only be one top dog. And it didn't mean her.

As we kept our pace I heard her send a telepathic message.

"You've been awfully quiet for the last ten minutes. Everything alright there?"

"I'm fine. However I don't appreciate talking right now. Forgive my impertinence but this is hilarious that we've teamed up. Two different beings, a Nephilim God and Goddess, both with similarities that seem to rock and mystify others. Yet now that you've got me talking. How do you feel about V?"

"Roni has fallen for him. I'm not too interested. I've got other interest."


"So what about you Cain? What has peaked your interest. In know Roni and I need you and V to help kill her to bring her to her full potiential."

"Sadly I'm not entitled to give information regarding other promising engagements. It's messed with my chi if you get my meaning. However just know that you are on that list of top priority darling Alessa. You are one in a million that a guy would kill for. However what did you mean 'other interest?' "

Alessa looked at me and smiled lightly. "You are that other interest Cain. I have a hungering feeling you do the same way I do things. Right to the point. I want what's best for Roni, and sadly Dante hasn't been up for the challenge. V is her mind's shiny diamond, while you're my silver bullet to finishing things that shouldn't have started. Besides Ramier doesn't know that Dante has been checking out Morrigan when he started showing the first steps in becoming a Nephilim God."

I smirked. "I'll relay that to him when the time is right. Funnily enough, I had my suspicions about Dante. As it was stated before he is a loose cannon sometimes, especially with girls."

It was nearing early day and we landed onto the ground in front of a church while we spotted both Neros and Tori. V wasn't to be found and Victor immediately came into play by landing onto the ground near us. He stood up and leaned on his cane. He turned slightly in our direction, until he spotted Alessa, knowing full well she wasn't her usual self. Sighing in return he simply turned away and looked at the battle that had happened as we were glancing at him. A huge demon creature with teeth at its belly was engaging in a battle with the other until the two Neros as Tori kicked his ass sorely. Victor then sent out Shadow and the black panther went flying like a shuriken at the demon( whose name was Goliath by how he was boasting earlier.) shredding into Goliath's underbelly making him draw blood, sinking forward onto the ground. It was at this time that V from the realm we were in appeared speaking for a book before he stabbed Goliath in the had with his cane sword. He then apologized to Nero for his late absence for a simple book he was reading.

"I'm terribly sorry also to you Victor," He said. "I can understands our compatible creatures don't like to be underestimated before one another. Perhaps I better let you take the lead since...well... I'm human and your are half demon and angel. It's no offense intended if you feel such...animosity."

He then extended his hand as Griffon flew onto his arm, while Victor's Griffon flew onto his shoulder. "None intended V. I'd mind only if you held back your response in how you felt about our current status in reference to each other. It's such a shame to be fragile with immortality just a fraction away. I know who you are."

V merely nodded while Alessa and I frowned at his words. He knew who he was? V then turned to see Nico crash through with her van while Lucien was apparently surfing on the too with his guns smoking from apparently killing demons.

"I know, I know, I know I'm late! So shut it! The roads were all clogged." She sputtered out.

"I'd think you'd get better at driving Nico." Our Nero said. "I'm reasonable to say that won't be happening in this lifetime."

"Shut it N2." She snapped. "Because I drive awesomely without all the bullcrap rules set by government."

"Let me asks Lucien that question," Nero replied. "Does she drive up to par for you cuz?"

"I'd be wrong to say I wast thrust off a couple times. But it was necessary." Lucien replied with a shrug.

"See it was necessary? Why are you frontin?" Nico replied. "Hey you must be V, you mind tossing that thing right there? Ding, ding, ding right near your feet."

V looked at the piece what remained of Goliath then used his cane to fling it up to Nico which she caught easily, sniffing it with a grin on her face. "I'm going to make something amazing out of this."

"Did you just sniff that?" Nero from the current world asked. "Do you have any idea where that's been?"

"Up your butt?"

"Just focus on the mission." He replied.

I smiled at their victory then nodded to V and Victor. Victor frowned then glanced at Lucien before returning his gaze to me. Nodding slowly he turned away. At least I would do Reimar a favor and spare his child. If the others got involved, well I would end then without a seconds gaze, despite what he might say about it. Roni was Alessa's problem, but I would deal with that.

"We're splitting up. Urizen wants that Qlippoth fruit, and I can't be seen with you right now," I say to Alessa. "Stay to the shadows little goddess. I can't have you dying in me when I need you at this time. Don't fuck up."

I then jump into the air and and soar above some of the buildings soon to land on a waterway bridge. Settling down I look across the destroyed landscape. Urizen was fooling no one. He was ruthless and as stupid as a barbarian tribesmen. He would never get power. The V from this universes seemed to be silent to Victor which meant there was something only these two could understand. Suddenly a flash of light appeared leagues away near a Qlippoth root.

Guess that was my next stop.

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