Chapter 11: Cain and Alessa

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I had simply got a bad feeling as we had continued up the road, V staying quiet as he sat across from me in the van. His eyes were closed but I knew he was thinking about something. "What is it brother. You've been glancing this way for awhile, though I admit I wouldn't be one to not gaze affectionately upon."

I smirked as I knew he was aware. "Sometimes I can't understand you. You can see without seeing."

"What's on your mind?" He sighed.

"Well I wanted to ask about...Roni."

"Hmm, oh really?" He asked sitting up straight. "What about her?"

"She seems to have the same power, or similar to me with how Cain is with me," I said lowly enough for him to hear. "How do we explain that coincidence? I already know she has a affectionate side for you as well brother."

"Where is all this coming from?" He asked, glaring at me slightly. "You seem overly concerned about her. Don't be. She's fine."

"Don't say she's fine V!" I snapped, though it was akin to a loud whisper. "Alessa, her other half said she wanted to see Cain. How do you explain that?!"

"Calm yourself Reimar," Victor sighed. "We'll figure it out soon enough. As far as I know she hasn't died yet, so she hasn't reached her full potential."

"Bringing Cain here has caused ramifications I never took into high consideration. He's more alive here. He wants some form of power. It's something I haven't figured out with him."

"This demon Urizen seems to be creating a ruckus. Something that stirs Cain from within. Don't worry about it too much."

I smirked as I knew that totally something Victor was going to say. It was his way of comfort from within being he didn't show much affection. Suddenly the can stopped immediately as Nico glanced to Nero and us. "That's it. No more wheels from here."

I glanced out the front and saw a big cavern before us of the city. "Oh well."

"Alright.  I guess I'm walking then." Nero said.

"Hey yo, yo, yo.  Check it out."


Nico handed him a letter.

"What's this?" He asked.

"It's from Morrison. I think it's his manifesto."

"Yeah thanks," He said reading it over before pocketing. He hopped out the van before Nico was about to say something.

"He's quite the guy to remind you of someone huh?" Victor said, nudging me in the arm.

"Don't fuck with me Victor. Let's split up. Tori, Nero, and King. Head out with the Nero from here," I said. "Victor, you're with me. I think you do just fine."

"What about me?" Lucien asked, folding his arms. "I hate remaining behind."

"Don't worry big boy," Nico brushed up against him. "You're hanging with me for sometime. I could always use an extra hand now and then."

I smirked at her flirtatious attitude with my son. He seemed oblivious but I guess he'd learn to read body language more often. "Well it's settled. We'll be seeing you shortly."

We hopped out the van and I looked to Victor. "So brother how about we tango the hard way? Any ideas?"

"You just keep up." He replied. "The V from this universe is close by. Apparently for a strong reason that ends in violence. I'd best not be long ing for battle to soon before I meet him again. Come now."

He then ran forward as we turned a corner leaping across a large chasm landing on the other side. We kept going util a sword went flying in our direction from our side. We stopped while Victor glanced at me. "I'll keep going. Handle this well brother. I don't like cleaning up behind you."

"You make it seem like I want you to." I grumbled as he jumped up into the air, having Griffon fly him up on of the buildings.  I turned to see down the street from where the sword came for was Roni(or Alessa). Immediately I felt Cain fighting me tooth and nail now. I guess I would let him into this battle should there be one. Besides Alessa wanted to see him.

As I devil triggered I walked forward while Romi did the same. Her sword came flying out of the wall past me back into her hand. As we were two feet apart we stopped.

"Cain? I've been wanting to speak with you for awhile." She said firstly. "I was always wondering what the next best thing was. V...or you."

"How quaint." I replied. "Surely you don't believe that do you Alessa? You want Roni to excellent to her full potential correct? Why haven't you she on her to die and take forth her true energies? You waste too much darling."

"Says the asshole who was willing to give his power to his weaker halved self. You know better don't you?" She said, walking closer placing a hand on my face. "We don't need them. We've got power. We can control those who we wish too. No more hiding in the shadow of our weak selves. Do you want that life again?"

"I don't know Alessa. How about you?"

She smiled as she leaned in nearing my lips until she stopped. "I know what I want when I see it. You should do the same."

And with that she walked away before glancing back at me. "I suggest you make haste. Those others are dealing with an amateur demon that thinks he'll be king. I don't like that idea. Do you?"

I disappeared next to her. Her facial expression seductive as ever. "I plan on making him die. There we get to Urizen when the time arises. Got it."

"Wouldn't have it any other way babe." She said winking at me as she ran forward to jump up a building.

Babe? Really? I guess Dante was totally off the menu now. Guess V was Roni's fixation, and I, Cain the true power of Reimar Reckut, was Alessas very own. How strange things happen.

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