A new friend

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Adelaide pushed open the door and looked left and right to see where Brodie had gone. She spotted him walking across the field with his hood up.
"Brodie!" Adelaide called out.
Brodie thought he heard someone call out his name but wasn't sure, he continued walking.
"Brodie!" Adelaide called out again, but this time louder.
Brodie spun around on his heels and saw Adelaide. He smiled and walked up towards her.

"Hi" he said in his accent. Adelaide couldn't help but swoon over how amazing his Australian accent was.
"Hey. I just wanted to properly thank you for today and to say sorry" she said genuinely.
"Sorry for what?" He questioned.
"Well, sorry that there was so much drama on your first day here! Sorry that you were caught up in the whole ordeal this morning! Sorry that everyone's been keeping to themselves and not making an effort to talk to you, including me! Sorry that....." Adelaide could've continued but Brodie was just laughing.

"It's ok! You don't need to be sorry for any of that, honestly!" He reassured her.
"Well I guess I should formally introduce myself then since I didn't get to earlier, I'm Adelaide!" she joked, sticking out her hand for him to shake.
He smirked.
"Nice to meet you Adelaide, I'm Brodie, I'm Australian."
"Wow, I've always wanted to go to Australia! Your from Melbourne right?" She asked.

"Yep, we moved here last month."
"How come?" She said inquisitively.
"My Dad is Irish, and my mum is also half Irish. They just wanted to move back." He told her.
"Oh cool, well welcome. I can assure you not every day here in this school is this dramatic. Most days it's boring... like really boring.... like extremely boring it's not even funny!"
Brodie smiled.
"Anyways, I'll let you go home, it's too cold!" She added.
"Bye Adelaide!" He said giggling.

They both turned around and went their separate ways. Adelaide couldn't help but smile as she walked back inside, Brodie seemed really nice. Not to mention, he was also extremely cute!

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