Alaya's predicament

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Alaya watched as Mr.Harris closed the door on Adelaide. She knew Mr.Harris as Dylan. She felt terrible for shutting her friends out of her life over one guy and she felt especially horrible for letting Dylan shut Adelaide out of the classroom like that. What could she do in this situation? What did he want? Dylan locked the door and Alaya's hands started trembling.

She liked Dylan, a lot. She had spent many hours lying awake at night wondering if she only liked him for his looks, for his personality or whether she just simply liked the fact someone was so obsessed with her. She dreamed about the day when Dylan would give her a "sign" or show her in some way that he did like her, not as a student, not as a friend. However the one think she did know, no matter how much she liked him, she didn't like him as much as he liked her.

"What's so important that you needed to lock my friend out of the room, making it look so fucking suspicious!" She snapped at him.
"Don't be like that Alaya." His voice calm almost sinister. Alaya couldn't help but feel intimidated by him. If anyone ever found out about what they were doing he would lose his job and she didn't want that.
"Dylan, I have a class now. You can't keep me locked up in here."
"Not even for a minute?" He teased. Was Alaya repulsed or was she into it? She couldn't quite figure it out. She had wanted this, didn't she?

Suddenly, it was as if a wave of emotions had hit her. She just wanted to leave, run out of the class and never come back. She wanted to go to the bathroom and just cry. It was all getting to much. She couldn't stand the thought of her friends being worried about her all the time but she didn't want to lose Dylan.

They had gone out on a few secret dates over the past few weeks. Often sneaking around shopping centers and parks. Alaya had to admit it was pretty exciting sneaking about, but not when it came to the expense of hurting her friends. Ever since she had the fight with Oscar she didn't know what to do about Dylan anymore.

A tear slipped down her cheek. Dylan looked at her, concern growing in his wide brown eyes. He walked over to her, resting his hand on her cheek.
"What's wrong?" He questioned. It was at that moment Alaya broke down, sobbing. Her emotions change drastically, she was angry, sad and yearning for Dylan. She didn't care what anyone else said about him, Dylan did care about her, he wasn't just in it for the physical attraction, which they so obviously had. She didn't want to lose him. If only her friends would support her.

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