Chapter 5

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Later that day....

Brook- P.O.V 

We was on our way to my mom house to see my dad I was scared cause 1 my birthday was next week and I feel like she gonna say something and King is meeting them for the first time. We pull up and this time I had let him get the door for me to be nice. We walk up to the door and rung the doorbell. My mom answers and she got so excited and then I saw my dad I just stared at him and ran into his arms and started crying. After the hug broke I introduced King he knew my dad but introduced him to my mom him and my dad talked and I helped my mom out in the kitchen to make dinner we made my favorite baked chicken and mac-cheese. When it was done we sat down ate and talked. We had our laughs and it got late so we headed out and went home and I fell asleep in the car.

King P.O.V

 we got to the house and Brook was knocked out I carried her into the house and put her favorite pajamas on and she was still sleep. I put her on the pillow and went to sleep next to her. I woke up the next day and Brook wasn't in bed I look downstairs and she was on the couch watching Love and Hip-Hop of Atlanta. She had her popcorn and eggs and that was a weird mix but I'm not gonna judge. I walk in the living room and sit next to her and gave her a kiss she layed down and had her head on my lap we was watching T.V intil her mom told me her birthday is tmr I just looked down and smirked at her and she thought she was slick so I had got up too a shower and went out to get ready for her birthday party. I went to this hall place and had told everyone the time and place then had to go get her gifts and I had got her a lot of shoes and clothes and then I got her 2 big special gifts for tonight but will get into details tmr I went home and she was sleep so I went upstairs and hid her gifts in the guest room and went down stairs she woke up and was walking up the stairs looking tired I know I wasn't gone that long I look at my phone and it said 9:30 and I went up to bed with her but she was already asleep. 

Short chapter I know I was kinda rushing and I din't feel like putting 2 days in a chapter but stay tuned for the rest of TEA.

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