Chaper 47

316 4 0

Kayloni P.O.V 

I turned around to see...Kayden I smacked him and started swimming to the wall I got up and ran into the house. I grab the phone and call 9-1-1 

9-1-1- hello what your emergencyy 

Kayloni-um some crazy person is outside my house he knocked my friend out and he's after me 

9-1-1-ok what's your address

Kayloni-2344 lake drive(not real driveway) 

9-1-1-ok there on there way stay on the phone 


Kayden-baby girl where are you 

Kayloni-he in the house 

9-1-1-ok don't hang up try to stay on the phone

Kayden-I hear you 

I look around and see a pan I grab up and crawl around the other side of the counter I stand up and walk behind him I hit him in the head and he feel to the ground. I grab some tape and wrap his legs and arms up. I hear the bell for the gate and open it. They bust in the house and I told them his body was over there knocked out. I help Treyvon up and take him to his room. I lay him down on the bed. I walk down stairs and the police as carrying his now woke self up to the car. I was questioned then I started cooking. I made what he wanted to eat and while I was cooking I heard foot steps I grabbed a knife and made my way to te corner. I look to see who it is and see no one was there then I felt someone grab my and I cuts his arm. I looked to see who it was and it was Treyvon. I put the knife down and grab some paper towel. 

Kayloni-I'm so sorry 

Treyvon-It's all good it's just a little cut 

Kayloni-let me see 

I cleaned and put a bandage on it cause no band-aid was going to help it. I finished cooking then made our plates. I texted Amora I was staying out and to tell Ma and Pops that. We finished eating the he gave me some short and shirt. I walked into the bathroom and took a shower. I walked out and layed on the bed that was in the room I grab my phone and turn my hulu on and started watching Star. 

I was so into the show that I didn't even notice the time I turned my phone off and went to sleep.

~next day 

I rolled over and felt something warm so I snuggled up onto it. It was smooth and warm. I got comfortable then felt a hand on my waist. I open my eyes and see Treyvon. I look around and see I'm in the same room as yesterday. I grab my phone and the time said 10:30 I jump up and grab my changer. 

Treyvon-hey woah chill what's going on 

Kayloni-I leave in about a hour and a half and I'm still here 

Treyvon-oh ok come on then 

I put my shoes on and jump into his car. We drove back to the hotel with the music on blast. We pull up to the hotel. I gave him a hug and told him bye. I jumped out and ran in the hotel and up to our room. I run in and yelled hey to everyone. I run in my room and took out some sweats and a shirt. I brushed my hair up into a bun then I started packing my stuff. I was done and took my bags and put them out by the door.

I sat on the couch and got on my phone. I heard the doorbell and went in got it. I looked through the peep whole and it was Treyvon with my bags. I open the door and he smiled. 

Treyvon-see you was in a rush and forgot these 

Kayloni-thank you

I grabbed the bags and gave him another hug and watched him walk off. I closed the door and took all the stuff out the bags and put my hair and lip gloss stuff in my book bag and then kept m food in it's bag then I put my phone cases in my suit case. I sat on the couch next to Amora and she looked at me with a big smile. 

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