Chapter 16

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1 week later..

Star P.O.V

I woke up by the sound of my alarm telling me to get up. I walk into my bathroom brushed my teeth and did my bathroom stuff. I walk into my closet and got my black and white fitted dress with a jean jacket and my Balenciaga's. I went downstairs and there was a gift with my name on and I opened the box it was a car keys 

Brook/King-Happy birthday!

Star-thanks but I can't drive 

Brook- yes you can grab the paper 

Star-thanks ma

Brook-your welcome baby

I walk outside and it was a all black mustang with blue. I get in and then drive to school and so did Brook. I get there 7:10 right before class and run to m locker then this girl walk up to me and asked what my name was..

Girl-hey what's your name


Girl-hey Star I'm Precious and I have first period with you and I will show you around during free period ok

Me-ok we'll I gotta get to class

Precious-so do I 

I walk off after closing my locker and she showed me my seat and I guess she went and sat by her boyfriend. She said I could sit by them if I wanted to but I sat in the middle by myself. The teacher explained the task and I deiced to work by myself and listen to my music. About 25 min later this cute boy took my airpod out and asked me if my name was Star I told him yea and why

Boy-hey my name is Amare but you call me Mel

Star-hey why you come over here by me though

Amare-because this is the only seat open and the teacher told me to come work with you since you the only one working by yourself. 

Star-ok well here is what I got so far

He was nodding his head like it was a rap I wrote. 

Amare-you know we building a pyramid right 

Star-that is a pyramid

He gave me back the paper it was actually a song I was working on.

Star- my bad this the real one

Amare-it's all good so you can rap

Star-yea kinda

Amare-oh well let me hear something 

Star-right here in front of everyone

Amare walks up in font of the class and asked the teacher something she nodded and he said"if y'all wanna here Star rap please raise your hand" he grabbed my hand and took me to the front of the class he already saw something I wrote so I was like let's just use this one. I play and beat and got to rapping

Let me tell you bout  my best friend she a real one 

She more than a best friend ,She ain't ever let me down she always been around 

She kept my head up when I was messing with these clowns, Yeah she my main one 

She always been the same one,Never switched up yeah That's my day 1

For that I got her back so I dare you try to say something , Pop you in the mouth 

So for sure you ain't saying nothing Yeah she as loyal as they coming so anything I'm getting 

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