1 A Sketchy Objective

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Welcome from glorious Haven city!

This is my first piece of fan fiction I have written and I'm a little bit nervous to be honest.

I am hoping you like, I have had this idea in my head for sometime so fingers crossed I got it on paper okay.

Let me know what you think Read and review I don't know how great my writing is but happy for improvement.

Happy reading, oh and I don't own any of the characters apart from my own Ocs.

Will try to update as often as I can.

Love wastelander543.


Serena stared at the tiled wall, steam rose to the ceiling as hot water cascaded down over her. She knew she should get out of the shower eventually or risk running out of hot water again.

She climbed out of the shower and wrapped a big fluffy white towel around herself and one for her hair.
Wiping her hand on the mirror to rid it of condensation she stared at the blank face and sighed.

Why did I agree to do this for Torn? She thought to herself.
She began to do her makeup, not too much not too little enough to look seductive yet not trashy.
She then dried her ebony mid-length hair and styled it in a simple bun with a few loose curly strands.
She slipped on the little black dress with shoe string straps that showed just enough on the top and maybe a little too much at the bottom, resting a couple of inches above her knees. She pulled on a simple pair of black underwear and did the silver belt up in the middle of her dress.

She put on the sparkling crystal earrings her mother left her before she passed six years ago and smiled, hoping they would draw away the attention of the tattoos on her ears.

Then slipped on her prized possession a silver chain with a small shard of light eco crystal and felt it's warmth on her skin, almost getting lost in the memory of the man who gifted it to her.

"This is as good as it gets Sasha, Torn better be bloody happy I'm stupid enough to agree to his silly little scheme." She spoke to her golden muse who was weaving around her feet letting out chirps, demanding to be fed.
"Alright, alright, I'll feed you hang on!"

Serena walked out of the bathroom down the hall to the kitchen, the muse bouncing along the floor excited about their destination and almost tripping her over numerous times.
She went to the cupboard and brought out the tin of meat and busied herself opening it and putting it in the muse's bowl.
"Oh for goodness sake Sasha get off the bench you know better than that," Serena cried trying to push the fluff ball off.
The muse didn't care she was happy to try and get in the bowl before it was placed on the ground.

Setting the bowl on the ground Serena went to the fridge and poured the muse a bowl of yakow milk and sat on the bar stool at the kitchen bench.

A beeping begin somewhere on the kitchen bench, Serena realised it was her communicator.
"Oh where the bloody hell did I put that thing now? " She scrambled around on the bench finding it hidden under a stack of papers.

"Serena here, " she answered.
"Serena it's Torn, do you remember the plan?"
"Of course I remember the plan, I wouldn't dress up like this if I didn't. "
She gestured to herself then thought why the hell did I just do that he can't see me!
"Just checking, remember get close to Erol and stay close to him, we need you to gain his trust to try and get more info on this Dark eco warrior programme he is running"
"I have heard Errol and Praxis talking about it but I haven't managed to get anymore info than what you have at current."
"Serena your the commander of the Elite Guard, is it not your job to know what's going on inside the palace? "
"Well yes, I know about ninety percent of what's going on, but I don't even think Ashelin knows and she's the Baron's daughter." She responded a bit taken aback.
"Well just make sure you wear the little black dress and the heels we talked about and get close to Errol."
Serena pondered this comment for a moment and then blurted out "Don't you think this is weird? "
"Why would I think this is weird? " Torn responded, she could almost see the look on his face, a stern scowl with extra added emphasis of crossed arms.
"Well, for one your my Commander outside of work when I'm doing odd jobs for the underground and," she paused for a moment and spoke in an awkward tone "your my ex Torn."
Serena could hear Torn sigh on the other end of the communicator.
"Of course I realise this Serena we went our separate ways over a year ago I haven't seen you in six months and a part of me will always care and still love you."
Serena could feal the heat begin in her face and the pressure build behind her eyes her throat closed slightly.
She would not cry! Besides it would take too long to redo her make up.
"You will always have that special place in my heart, who else would be silly enough to do your nut job schemes?" She laughed holding back the tears.
Although they broke up she would always remember him as her first love and remembering those words always brought back tears.
Get a hold of your self Acheron! She just about slapped herself.
"If you feel like you are in trouble use your emergency beacon and I will arrive personally to help you, please be safe Serena." He said it with true meaning as if he truly still cared for her like he did over the years they were together.
"Thanks Torn, I will keep that in mind, now I'm going to go and meet Ashelin at the bar, we have a dinner date and some courage cocktails to drink!"
"Be safe Serena." Torn said and he cut the line before she could respond, that was so typical of him.

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