12-Escape Route

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Why hello my fellow citizens of Haven city, I had some serious writer's block for a very long time, but I found some motivation to kick my arse into gear and pick up this story again.
We are talking at least 4 months here, I am terrible I know and I have had a pretty busy fire season with my new brigade.

Happy reading,

Love wastelander543 xxx

Serena awoke in Erol's apartment groggy still and just before midday.
She used his shower dressed in her blacks and headed to the underground, careful to ensure she used back routes and kept away from patrols.
Arriving at the underground headquarters, she descended the steps to chaos.
Torn sat on a pile of crates looking sullen as Jak's anger and voice escalated.
"You!" He turned and yelled at Serena walking straight to her, anger etched upon his face.
"This is much of your fault as it is his!" He yelled inches away from her face throwing his arm in Torn's direction.
Serena stared into his eyes, anger on her face.
"Hold up there Mister." She poked him in the chest.
"I may have organized this, but I also organized a way out of this, so get off your freaking high horse and listen a moment, blondie." She growled not in the mood to deal with him.
"Because of you the Baron now has the precursor stone, the kid and our friends!" Jak threw his hand in the air in exasperation and anger.
"Precursors only know what would happen if I hadn't been the one to deliver the message, who do you think is the one who gets their arse handed to them everytime I helped you and the underground out, who do you think is the one who helps facilitate and organise these heists and plans who helps get the information? I bloody do, now you listen and you listen good I have this sorted!" She yelled into his face.
"She has a point Jak, we all know the Baron wouldn't hesitate to kill his own daughter, and she has got the plans to get our friends out, the rest will come later." Torn said.
Jak pushed past Serena roughly and out the door.
"Let's hope this works Seri, I don't know how I am going to keep him in line much longer." Torn sighed and lit a cigarette blowing out the smoke.
"Your telling me, I'm running out of excuses and it is getting risky, Vin should be able to sort through and unlock the doors needed and put it down to the eco failures. The rest is up to him."
She sat and lent against the table, "I don't know what we are going to do Torn, this war is getting ugly and is only going to get worse." She took the smoke out of his hand and took a drag

Serena sat in the war room, Jak had successfully released the underground fugitives and for once the Baron didn't suspect her.
"Acheron, these underground vermin are beginning to be a pain, I want you to put Elite troops around the city I want them to know we know!
I want them to fear me!
With commander Errol spending too much time keeping up, city, appearances with the race season and that....mechanic girl." Serena grit her teeth at the mention of the mechanic.
"Did I strike a cord there commander?" The Baron chuckled noticing the change in her face and posture
"No sir."
"I need you to ensure the smooth running of the troops, we finally have the ultimate weapon, we have the upper hand against these metalheads." The Baron spoke with enthusiasm she hadn't seen in some time, he was either mad with power or just mentally insane.
"You have been prooving somewhat useful this last week Acheron, dear I say it but keep up the good work." He told her and Serena raised an eyebrow.
"Thank you sir." She said with an air of caution.
"Now get out of here." He grumbled.
Serena got up from her chair bowed and left the war room.
Making her way down to the barracks to prepare her troops for street level deployments.

The day had dragged on and Serena felt in need of good company making her way to the hip hog saloon she sort out her friend Sig.
"Hello my favourite little Cherry." He smiled at her excitement laced his voice.
"Hey Sig, I thought I would come by and give my favourite wastelander a visit." She smiled at the dark skin man.
"Aw now I am touched, you are looking fabulous by the way."
"Why the comment Sig I always look like this." She asked him.
"Well normally there is at least one bruise on your face." He looked concerned.
"Hah maybe that is because I am in the good Baron's Grace's for once." She laughed.
"You haven't seen Jinx have you I still need to thank him and pay him."
"You just missed him, Krew sent him and his boys off with Jak to the sewers with a butt tonne of explosives."
"Oh the precursors this better not bite me in the ass." She sighed.
"Have you booked your airtrain ticket yet?" He asked her, as it was always around this time of year she returned to Spargus to visit her mother's grave.
Serena folded her arms against the bar and put her chin on them.
"No not yet I don't even think the Baron would let me leave the city at present."
She looked up at Sig and smiled a weak smile.
"I am sure if you are in his good Grace's he should at least let you have one day."
"Possibly but I don't hold high Hope's."
She watched as Sig began to gather a few pieces from around the bar.
"Look Seri I hate to cut this short but my shift is almost up and I have some things I need to do, be safe Krew is up to something and I do not like it." He told her as Tess walked in behind the bar.
"Thanks Sig, hey Tess, how are things?"
"Good, but ah Krew is looking for you." She smiled as she spoke.
"Krew is looking for me, in Mar's name what would he want with me." Serena laughed.
"Oh wouldn't you like to know eh?"
"Oh I thought I could smell lard, what do you want Krew?"
The grotesque, obese man hovered into view.
"Oooooh if I didn't need you I'd have your knee caps for that girl!" He growled and came close to Serena's face, she could smell his rotting teeth and had to hold down her dinner.
"The Baron has need of my, ah weapons collection and expertise, I need you to give him this recording it has all the details he needs." He handed her the small device it was warm and sweety.
"Ahhh thanks for that.." Serena wrapped it in a napkin from the bar and placed it in her leather jacket.
"Well, well, well what do we have here?" A far too familiar voice echoed round the bar.
"Ahhhh Errol my boy are you ready for your big win at the class one race? I am counting on you boy, I have a large sum of money on you eh. " Krew chuckled and his fat rolls wobbled with his laughter.
Serena turned to see Errol she hadn't seen him since the raid a small thrill spiked in her heart at seeing him.
"Looks as though fat men are really jolly, aren't they Krew." Errol laughed, he turned to Serena her face filled with admiration and that was when she saw it, a strange look of guilt cross his face.
She knew he had been speaking with "her" again and a small amount of sadness crept into Serena's heart at the thought of him flirting and talking with the mechanic girl and extinguished the thrill.
"Oh you are too funny my boy, drinks complimentary of the house, you make me too much money."
Krew floated away as Errol sat in the booth across from Serena.
He pulled out a cigarette, lit it and took a drag.
"Now my dear I do hope you will be watching the races this week." He spoke quietly.
"Of course I will be, the Baron has asked me to be by his side."
"Moving up in the world now are we?" He chuckled sarcastically at her.
Serena gripped the table edge, as Errol picked up his feet, leant back in the booth and placed his feet upon the table, his hands behind his head.
"The Baron has asked for a rather large elite guard presence among the crowds and himself, you of all people should know this, but if your too busy flirty with that mechanic, maybe you wouldn't know.."
Errol lunged across the table in a flash grabbing her chin hard in his gloved hand.
"You my pretty had better watch your tongue, I will not have you disrespect me." He growled letting her go.
Serena rubbed her jaw from his grasp, she knew it would bruise.
She stood from the booth, "I have things to be doing." She turned and headed for the door.
"Acheron wait!" Errol yelled.
She heard him, but chose to ignore him as she reached the doors Jak walked in.
He glared at her as she passed and left the bar doors.
She knew things would end up heated in there and she could not be bothered to deal with the aftermath and made her way to the palace.

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