3-A Familiar Face Or Two

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The two walked into the Hip Hog Heaven Saloon.
"I don't want your sort in my bar! " The fat man floated over in his hover chair, his skinny pale legs dangling below, his beady pig eyes squinted at Serena .
"I've paid my back taxes! "
Serena held her breath as he floated over to her, he smelt like a hip hog himself who had rolled in the sewer and was left in the sun for dead.
Sasha growled at the man.
"Oh what a precious wee thing, Sig I need a scarf made of this muse eh. " Krew chuckled and his rolls wobbled with them.
"Touch my muse and you won't live lard boy!" Serena snapped and pointed her pistol at him.
" Alright, alright Sig get our guest a drink. Eh, on the house," he waved his chubby ringed fingers at the bar.
Serena walked to the bar and the tall dark man turned around.
He wore metal head hides as amour and had a mechanical eye his skin dark and also tanned from the wasteland sun.
Sig was one of Serena's long time friends and had known him from a young age from the wastelands.
"Hello cherries, now what would we like, of course this Wee cutie gets some milk. " h
He indicated to Sasha who had made herself at home on the bench.
He poured the muse a saucer of milk.
"Your a big softie aren't you Sig? " Serena asked him mockingly.
" Only a softy for Mar's creatures, now what drink were you after?"
"Vodka and orange please."
"Coming right up beautiful lady. "
He handed her the drink and she blushed.
He was a big flirt and he always knew what to say to get a blush out of her.
He began to pet the muse and scratch her chin and Sasha purred.
"Serena, " a raspy voice from behind her startled her.
She swiveled on the bar stool to see Torn, he still had his hair in those ridiculous dreads and still wore his red scarf and leather.
"Hey Torn," she jumped up and hugged him briefly, he still smelt like she remembered and squeezed him tight.
" God it's been so long, you look good Seri." He used her nickname.
" Could say the same about you Torn, lets grab a booth and we can debrief. " She walked to the booth and Sasha hopped off the bar and climbed in next to her.
Torn chuckled in his raspy voice. " I see you take that muse with you everywhere still."
Serena put her hands over Sasha's ears, " Don't say mean things about my cute fluff ball! I see you still smoke, I thought you quit? "
"Haha yea and the war has ended five minutes ago, tell me what you have doll I ain't got all night. " He demanded sharply.
Wow the vibe has definitely changed since we were together she thought.
" Well I am getting closer to Erol, he's given me his personal number and asked me to his race garage next week for the class one race. "
"Go on, " Torn waved his hand and took a drag on his cigarette as Sig dropped a tumbler of bourbon on the table in front of him.
"Well we were in the war room this morning and the Baron has asked me to ensure I double the guard in the prisons, as to why I have no idea and he didn't care to explain, cause as usual he is in a foul mood."
"Good I'll pass this onto the shadow, stick close with Erol Seri, we need to know more about what him and the Baron are up to with this Dark eco warrior project. "
"Alright you stick in the mud I'll get it done but you will owe me. " Her anger starting to show as her patience grew thinner with his demands.
" He hasn't gotten too, too close though has he? I know what he can be like and he can be rough. " He looked at her slightly worried.
"Look Torn, I can handle my own when needed, don't panic. " She was starting to remember how jealous Torn use to get.
"What has he done? "
"Nothing much," she said casually.
" Seri I'm serious if he's hurt one hair on your head. " He said slamming his fist on the table.
" Alright! Don't let the green monster out Torn, far out, we kissed, what, three times."
He didn't look too happy at this and took a swig of his drink.
"Well as long as its no more than that. "
"Alright you happy now?" She spat at him.
"Yes I am, now if you'll excuse me a beautiful woman just walked in."
"Ouch you jerk," Serena said coldly to him as he got up and greated Ashelin with a kiss.
She watched and couldn't help feel a little sad.
"Hey there sugar don't look so down. " Sig said as he picked up Torn's empty glass. She hadn't realised that it was so obviously displayed on her face.
"Chin up, baby, your a beautiful woman and any man would be lucky to have you."
She placed her hand over his and squeezed it, "Thanks Sig, your a real sweetheart, but I best be off, I'm sure I'll see you shortly."
She got up from the bench seat gave him a peck on the cheek and walked out the bar with the golden muse on her heel.
"Serena wait! " She heard Torn shout but she ignored it and didn't say a word as she held back the tears of frustration and hurt that threatened to fall and got on her zoomer, Sasha jumped up on her and draped herself over her shoulder and they took off, just as Torn exited the bar to see them take off.

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