6-The Boy Who Fell Out Of Time.

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This chapter has a bit of graphic content, it is my favourite one so far it took some time to get the start and is slow, but it gets exciting, I couldn't stop writing much to my partner's dismay.
Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Happy reading,

Love wastelander543. Xxx

After reaching the palace, debriefing and getting home, Serena washed the day away. 
Put on her make up to hide the darkening bruise on her cheek, black jeans, black boots, tank and leather jacket.
She cleaned the mess her muse had made and made a mental note to purchase new cushions.
She couldn't turn down Erol's offer of a drink and walked to the cheeky minx in a daze trying to get her head around the events of what had happened, she had never heard of the people lashing out at the guard normally they were left to it.
She could not get the blood soaked images out of her mind. It had been so long since she had been on the ground she felt like he was losing her touch.
She walked into the bar with ease and headed straight for the counter.
"Serena, there you are." A voice said to her,  she turned to see Ashelin.
"Ashelin, I wasn't expecting to see you here. " She hugged her and Ashelin held her at arm's length.
"Well when you have to train recruits all day you would need a drink too, nice shiner I hope that wasn't Erol who gave you that. " She looked at Serena's face.
" Crap you can still see it? Ugh I tried so hard to cover it, and you can put the thanks on your farther for that one. " She grumbled.
"Oh, well drink on me then." She nodded to the bar tender and he began to make the drinks.
"How have things been between you two anyway? " Ashelin asked.
"Good, well maybe more than good. "
Ashelin laughed,  " you don't have to tell me any more, in fact I'm sure I don't want to know. Anyway speak of the devil." She pointed behind her and Erol walked in the bar, beelined for her.
Serena's mood lightened a bit and she couldn't help but smile.
He came over and gave her a hug from behind and a kiss on top of the head. 
"Look at the two of you!" She shouted with glee. "Serena I don't think I've seen a bigger smile on your face, it looks good on you" Ashelin stood looking amazed at them.
"Thanks Ash." She whispered embarrassed.

The three grabbed a booth and began chatting and drinking away as time passed a couple of men from different troops joined in and things started to get rowdy.
" I tell you what ladies and gentleman, your a great group of people." Erol spoke and then took a drag on his cigarette. "We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for The Baron and this war, let's have a few more to him and the guard. "
The whole table cheered and drank their drinks.
"Serena, your very quiet over there" Ashelin commented.
"It's been a rough day and I am just about ready for bed, plus I think I've had one too many." She slurred slightly and pinched the cigarette out of Erol's hand and took a drag on it.
" Where are your manners Acheron? " Erol asked.
"Bite me," she glared at him and took another drag on his cigarette.
" What did you say? " He glared back at her, the table went silent.
"You heard me, bite me! " She blew the smoke in his face, there was tension at the table.
Erol began laughing, took the cigarette off her took a drag and blew out the smoke and leaned over to her and put his hand on her shoulder and his mouth by her ear.
"Well maybe later I will. " He said loud enough for the whole table to hear and chomped his teeth.
The table began jeering and a loud round of woof whistles entailed.
Her mouth dropped open and she burst out laughing with the table.

After much jeering and laughing Serena excused herself to the bathroom and put both hands on each side of the sink, looked in the mirror Ashelin was definetly right about the shiner.
The door swung open and Ashelin walked in.
"Well it is definitely fair to say that man has a thing for you. " She pointed and giggled.
"I need you to set up a meeting with Torn in two nights time." Serena said seriously.
"Sure I can organize that." Ashelin replied changing her tone to a more seriouse one and leant against the other sink.
"Good from what I've heard today things are beginning to heat up with this dark warrior programme and I don't like where it is headed.
Onin's prediction is meant to happen tomorrow and I don't know what to expect but my gut feeling is it's not going to be good."
" I'll get the message out to Torn don't panic. "
She touched her friend's shoulder and then hugged her.
"Be strong Seri your a brave woman to be where you are and to be asked to do what your doing to get the info we need for the underground, and no one blames you we all have to live somehow and no one blames you if you fall in love on the way. " With that Ashelin walked out of the bathroom.

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