10-A Sudden Realisation

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Serena had managed to sneak away for the day, it had been a week from hell and she was glad to have some time to herself to think.
She found herself wandering the bazaar walking past the trinket stands admiring bits and pieces here and there.
She continued on and ended up in the farming area.
Children ran around playing tag giggling and enjoying life without a care in the world.
Serena sighed wishing life was that simple and she could live carefree like a child again.

She walked the ramp to the security gate and entered Haven forest. She wandered about aimlessly till she found herself at the top of the waterfall looking out above the forest.
She sat on the edge of the bank her feet in the water, small fish swam around flitting back and forth.
Serena could see out over the falls to the basin below, there were a couple of metal heads with big slender bodies and wings that were chasing the fish in the bottom rivers and ponds.
Serena sighed and relaxed a little, it was the only time she had in a long time that was just her, she thought of what the Baron has said about Erol and the mechanic, she was beginning to distrust him but there was no way she could just drop their relationship.
Her feelings for him were strong but she knew if she ended it with him he may not let that happen and she would end up in a situation far worse, it was bad enough she couldn't get out of the guard. She knew too much, the only way out would be death.
She sighed again knowing that she was stuck.
A tall blond figure appeared on a hover board down the bottom of the cliff.
"Oh you have got to be kidding me! " Serena sighed knowing her peace had been interrupted.
The man chased down the metal heads with wings on his jetboard till they were gone.
Serena grabbed her boots, put them on and went to the edge of the waterfall
The man had stopped at the waterfall but hadn't looked up.
She jumped and dove into the water below, missing the sharp rocks at the bottom.
She had spent many a hot summers day down here with troops cooling off in the water she knew the falls like the back of her hand.
She surfaced at the edge and the man was standing there arms crossed smiling.
"You following me now? " Jak asked her and offered his hand, she grabbed it.
"What the?" He said in shock as Serena pulled him into the water and laughed.
He surfaced and spat water at her, they both laughed and swam to the edge of the pool and sat on the bank.
"Hey there sweetcheeks, how's the big bad Krimzon guard doing? " Daxter waltzed over and jumped on Jak's shoulder.
"For starters, I am not Krimzon guard I am Elite guard, there is a difference. I'm fine I came here to chill and think and then I spotted you two. " Serena said to the men.
"So your not following us? " Jak asked sternly.
"Don't get your hopes up there lover boy. " She laughed. "Far from it, it's good to see you two again."
"Good to see your face has healed up a bit since last time I seen you. " He motioned.
"Yes well you are partially to blame for that one, it's not the first time and most probably won't be the last if I keep helping Torn out." Her face dropped and she stared at her hands in her lap.
"You know the tattoo wonder? " Daxter pipped up.
"Ahhhhh more than you know. "
"How well do you know him? " Jak asked.
"Let's just say on an intimate level. "
"Whoa you mean he has more than one mood? " Daxter said in shock.
Jak gave him a clip round the ear and Serena just laughed at him.
"How has things been since you got out of the cells, I hear the guard are hunting you harder now since you decided to be a rat in the walls?"
"Haha, Yea Torn wasn't happy about that one," he said sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. "I still have a few plans for Praxis though. "
"Be careful though, Ashelin and I can only help you so much." She said with worry .
"Have you ever thought of just leaving the guard your obviously not happy there? " Jak asked seriously.
"Well yes on many occasions, but it is all I have known since I was young, I joined when I was sixteen. I worked my way through the ranks thinking I was doing something good. The more I worked my way up the more I became involved in The Baron's plans the more knowledge I had the more I realised I had gone too far. I would love to leave but it would cost me my life."
Serena stood and looked off over the water.
"I want nothing more than to return to Spargus and enjoy a simple life again. "
Jak stood and came up behind her put his hand on her shoulder, Serena turned her head and looked at him.
"We will find a way to get you out we promise. I have to go Serena The Shadow needs me to do something for him. "
"All good you go ahead I'm going to enjoy the forest and a sense of freedom for a bit longer." She smiled at his kind gesture.
Jak and Daxter left Serena to her thinking.

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