14-Double cross

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Serena slept deeply after she shed the pent up tears, her heart broken and her soul crushed.
She was thankful for Jinx, him being away doing things not being able to catch her out in a moment of utter weakness.
As she dreamt the precursors came to her for the first time in a long time.

"Ah you have done well in helping aid the dark one onto the path of balance and light, but your task is not yet finished."
The voice told her.
"You have been given the ring and the bracelet, but the necklace, that will help you unlock your power it is hidden deep within the wasteland."
"The wasteland?" She asked.
"Tossed away eons ago by Mia Acheron that necklace is the final key to helping balance yourself and those around you."
"How do I do this how do I find it?" She asked panicked.
"Follow the dark one to the light."
The temple room she was in began to shake as the precursor vanished into thin air.
The dust and rocks started to fall all around her with a deafening banging and crashing.

Serena sat bolt up right as the noise followed her from the realm of dreams to the awaking, the bashing on the door of the house was loud enough she thought they would go through it.
"By the order of Baron Praxis open this door for inspection!" The voice of the guard yelled over the bashing.
Serena took a moment to register what was happening, she grabbed a hoody quietly out of the wardrobe and put it on, then grabbed the pistol out of Jinx's bedside table.
She snuck under the bed and felt around, just as she was told to do.
"Break it in!" One of the men yelled.
Her nails hit a lip and she pushed on the panel and it dropped down and it slid back silently.
Serena dropped down the hatch into the darkness below as the door crashed in and slammed against the wall.
She slid the hatch door partially shut and waited and listened as she heard boots shuffle around the apartment.
"Look over there." One of the men said as she heard him pick up her discarded uniform armour plates.
Serena silently swore at herself for not getting rid of it before she got here.
"The tracker has located her to here, she must have ditched the gear and moved on."
"Inform the Baron." Another male voice said. "Do a sweep of this building and then move to the next building."
The voice sounded familiar, too familiar to Serena, then she clicked, it was Michaels.
She heard the boots on the floor in the bedroom, she slid the panel fully closed quietly and held her breath, pistol aimed at the hatch opening.
The boots clunked on the wooden floor slow and steady, they stopped and she could hear armour plated knees hitting the floor and the armour scraping along the wooden floor under the bed towards the closed panel.
Serena's heart rate increased at the thought of being found, she had witnessed the torture in the Baron's prisons, she did not want to be on the receiving end of it.
Her finger hovered over the trigger of the pistol.
"Evidence is packed up, get your ass moving we have twenty more buildings on this block to search." Michael's voice rang out.
The armour scrapped across the floor and she heard the footsteps leave the room and out of the building.

Serena released the breath she was holding and relaxed putting the pistol in the back of the leggings she had on, she grabbed her communicator and dialed Jinx.
"What happened?" Were the first words to come across from Jinx in a worried tone.
"They know I was here," she whispered, "I forgot the tracker in my uniform, they have taken it with them, I need to get to the underground."
"Follow the tunnel to the end I will meet you there in ten minutes, don't panic I will help get you out." Jinx cut the line.

Serena followed the cold dark tunnel, her feet wading in the water standing on sharp stones that cut into her feet.
Her hand following the wall, it was rough and damp.
The place was wet and smelt bad, she turned a corner she could see a dim light at the end.
She walked to it cautiously as the light grew so did the smell, a familiar yet disgusting one. It hit her where she had smelt it before, on duty with Delta crew during her punishment, she was I  the cities sewer system.
Know and behold as she walked into the light it opened up into one of the many chambers of the sewers.
Standing there with arms folded leaning against a rail was Jinx, cigar in mouth.
"Took you long enough, come on I will get you to Torn, you should be safe at the underground."
"I am sorry Jinx, I've ruined your home." She told him as she stood in front of him and hung her head.
"Don't worry I will sort out another place, don't stress, what we need to concentrate on now is getting you through the industrial section to the slums and to Torn." He smiled at her and lifted her chin.
"It will be over soon I am sure."
"I am never sure as to when this war will be over." She sighed and the two of them began the slow walk to the exit to the industrial section of the city.
"Where are your boots?" Jinx asked.
"Huh? Oh yes I didn't have much of a chance to grab them before they smashed in your door." Serena said in a daze, she pulled the hood of the hoodie up as they walked in silence towards the doors to the outside.

In All The Wrong Places ( Jak And Daxter Fan fiction) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora