4-So It Begins...

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Serena spent most of her weekend milling about the house, she cleaned and scrubbed from top to bottom.
She had woken to a message from Errol on her communicator sent in the early hours of the morning.

Erol: I count the hours till I can see you again, have a good day x

She smiled when she read the message and could not believe that everyone thought Erol was a man just filled with hate.
Yes he did have a bit of a temper but what Commander doesn't.
Serena herself was a victim of loosing her temper at her troops, why just last week she lost her temper at Warrens who had managed to misplace his pistol, that man ran laps until his feet bled and he remembered where his pistol was.

She decided to message rrol back.

Serena: Be safe out their today I don't wanna have to take your job x

She pocketed her communicator and decided some range practise was needed and decided to visit Tess over at the ports and see if she had any new gadgets.

Serena and Tess got on like peas in a pod the tall blonde loved her weapons and was constantly tinkering away on one project or another.
If you didn't know her personally you would think she was just another dizzy big boobed blonde.
"Oooo Serena I have not seen you in a long time, are you here for some target practice?" Tess asked in her super excited voice, almost jumping for joy, she ran up to Serena and gave her a hug.
"Nice to see you too Tess." Serena untangled herself from Tess' hug.
"Well I have a new yellow eco MOD for your blaster I'd love for you to try, increased accuracy, long range projectiles with enough punch to knock through a metal head, you keen? "
"Ahhhhh are we in the middle of a war?Of course I'm keen, who wouldn't be? " Serena almost loved nothing more than playing with new gears.
She attached the yellow eco canister and MOD to her blaster and went out onto the gun range.
Tess' voice came over the comms speaker, " now Serena this is a new course I designed, the dummies will pop up and move along sliders, good luck! "
Serena heard the bell go off and took aim. 
The first target popped up, it was shaped like a metal head, she quickly disposed of it and made quick work of the ones that took two shots to knock down.
As she progressed the targets were coming in hot and heavy, she was impressed at the rate of fire, the easy light trigger pull with little travel and the small amount of recoil to the rifle.
"I'm impressed Tess." Serena shouted over the next shot.
She continued down the lanes making it look like a walk in the park hitting the metal head boards and missing the civilian shaped ones.
She finally made it to the end and the buzzer went off and the door opened out from the range.
"How'd I do Tess?" Serena asked feeling the adrenaline pumping through her.
"Amazing and I'm really impressed with how that bad boy handled, keep the MOD you earned it by smashing the course record on your first attempt. " She was taking notes on her tablet as she was walking.
"Thanks Tess that's really kind of you" Serena was smiling from ear to ear,  "Do you mind if I give it a couple more goes? " She asked Tess hopefully.
"Go for it babe, I want to tweak a few things on some gun mods I'm doing, have fun. "
Tess went into the back room and Serena reentered the course.

After a few more rounds she thanked Tess and went home to relax for the evening and hope that sleep would come easy. 
For once Serena had something to look forward to.
Erol would be back tomorrow and she couldn't wait to go see him, he was becoming her personal addiction.
She still couldn't work him out, she had seen him multiple times have it out at someone for the slightest mistake, he didn't tolerate shit, even she had felt his wrath over the years.
Serena decided a shower, a good meal, and bed were the only suggestions to her over thinking brain and cuddled up with her muse and dreamt of Errol.

The following afternoon Serena headed down to the barracks to wait for the troops to come back in from their mission.
It was half three so she decided to have a quick session in the gym whilst she was waiting. 
She did a routine of yoga to stretch out the tension and relax some muscles and then waited at the
main office, went over some paperwork and checked her watch it was four fifteen.
Erol said to meet him at four and Serena was beginning to worry.
She went down to the transporter hanger and spoke with the unit on patrol.
"Briggs, where's the unit that was meant to have come back from the wasteland?" Serena asked looking at the screens.
"Comms came in about half an hour ago Commander Acheron, they should be here in the next twenty. " Briggs replied. "Comms didn't sound too good mam, sounds like there are some heavy casualties, the med teams are going to meet the transporter as it lands and med vac anyone who needs it. "
"Good work Briggs, do you know if they recovered the artifact as well? "
"Yes they have mame."
"Good organise the transport team of the artifact and also organise a mop up crew that transporter will need to be operational by tomorrow morning." Serena said, trying to keep her mind preoccupied so it didn't worry and think the worst, what better way than to throw herself into work, directing and giving commands to the ground crews.
She paced up and down the hanger, she looked up and could see the transporter coming in on the horizon. 
She waited patiently and as it came closer she organized the teams into position to extract the injured quickly and get the transporter online again.

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