16- Sacrifice

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A/n: Hello my fellow citizens of Haven, I believe we may be almost at the end... oh no, this chapter will follow mostly along the lines of the very final parts of the book with my own added twists. I hope you enjoy.

Love wastelander543.

A panic swept through the under ground, knowing the son of Damos was now in the hands of Kor.
The room went airy and silent, panic replaced with defeat.
Heads hung low, Serena stood from her seat, a glow hung round her as she spoke.
"Hold your heads high, we have accomplished most of what we set out to do and we can not let our people down." The room almost seemed to stop and became quiet as people began to gather round.
Serena wobbled on her feet and climbed on the seat.
"We have the upper hand!"
"Yeah!" The men and women cheered.
"Right now our best hope is out there making his way to Mar's weapon," she pointed in the direction of the nest.
"We can't let him down, so gather yourselves, grab your pistols, rifles, knives and bombs." She winked at Jinx in the background of the crowd, he smiled, she stared into the faces of the  small room, full of men and women willing to put their lives forth for the sake of the city.
She drew her pistol and raised it high, "my comrades in arms tonight we paint the streets of Haven with the blood of our enemies!" She yelled and the room burst into triumphant cheers and yelling of agreement.
"We must stand up for ourselves, we must not let this scum win!" Serena stared into the faces of each person again, she could see the passion she had driven into them with her small speech explode.
She looked around the room but could not see Ashelin she had left, Serena would never understand the pain she was going through.
"Who will stand with me?" She yelled to the crowd.
They all began cheering, as a large echoing boom was heard about the city and the ground shook.
The room went silent and it was if time stood still for a fraction of a moment.
"This is our moment the nest has been breached to war on the streets let no metal head live!!!" She yelled and the men and woman charged out the door, to death or victory Serena didn't know, but glory and passion ran through their veins and she knew they would go to their graves knowing they had helped save the city or died vigilantly trying.

The room was empty apart from the few stragglers, Serena climbed down from the chair and towards Torn.
"Quiet a speech you gave their Seri, you drove hope into the hopelessness of those people." He smiled.
"Hopefully it is enough to keep the metal head armies distracted so Jak can get to Kor." Serena slammed her fist down on the table in anger.
Torn grabbed her shoulder, "I am sure it will be fine Acheron, Ashelin has relayed the information to Jak, we are so close to victory."
"Your right I need some air." Serena turned and walked out of the underground.

Night had fallen  upon the city as she leant against the wall outside the hideout.
She took a drag on her cigarette and blew the smoke into the cool air, the cherry lighting up her face for a brief moment.
The rain had stopped, and all around the city the screams of citizens could be heard, growls of beasts and the echo of bullets fired.
Oblivious to it all Serena leant against that wall, and let the last moments of the last couple of days sink in.
Being told that Erol was still alive, was something she had a hard time believing, she remembered his body so badly burnt and broken.
Jinx helping her to escape the Baron's clutches, the kiss they shared and her promise to come back to him.
She had always liked Jinx, he had been an explosives expert in the early days of the guard and had helped her crew out on more than enough covert operations.
He always flirted with everyone but none more than her, and only now after the tragedies that had unfolded did she see his love for her right in her face.
The door slid open next to her and boots echoed on the concrete of the small dead end street.
"So I guess you decided to come back after all?" The man asked her.
Serena looked towards Jinx, she winked and laughed.
"Barely, was a struggle you know with being held captive by the Baron and his men." She sighed and took a drag.
"Eh well I guess, how did you get out of his clutches?"
"Timing, was all down to fate and timing, I am sure for once the precursors were looking out for me." She stared up at the night sky and admired the few stars she could see through the smoke from burning buildings.
Jinx lent against the wall next to her and lit his signature cigar.
His hand hung loosely next to hers, he inched it closer and touched the edge of her hand and Serena threaded her fingers between his and they both smiled to themselves and leant against the wall in silence listening to the cities sounds for some time.
Enjoying one another's company quietly as though a war wasn't raging on a few blocks away.

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