7-Tried And Tested

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Serena stripped her armour plates off and threw them on the floor of the changing room.
She hated herself for what she had helped accomplish today.
She looked in the mirror and hated what she saw, she screamed in frustration and punched the mirror.
The blood flowed over her hand as she began to cry in fustration and sunk to the floor amongst the broken shards.
She heard the door swing open and heavy armoured boots walk across the tiled floor.
She ignored it and sunk her head to her knees holding them with her arms.
She didn't look up as gentle arms wrapped around her.
Erol sat next to her and held her as she cried her fustration, next thing Serena knew he dragged her into his lap and she sat there being held softly by him.
He had been harsh with her but had not imagined the affect today would have on her, he kissed the top of her head.
He felt like he had helped finally break her emotinally.
They sat like this in peaceful silence for some time.
"I'm so sorry." He whispered genuinely afraid he had indeed help break her mentally as well.
"It's in the past now what is done is done." She replied with no emotion.
He picked her up in his arms off the floor and set her on the bench in the middle of the room.
"Let's get you tidied up." He said, he went to the shower and turned it on,  steam began go fill the room.
"I remeber my first time I had to do something like you did today, I hated myself for months, you soon begin to numb the emotions."
She sat on the bench and looked to him ignoring what he had said.
He grabbed her arms and pulled her up, he began to undress her and walked her to the shower.
He undressed himself and pushed her forward into the flow of water.
Serena flinched as the water hit her hand and the cuts along it.
It stung and the blood mixed with the water swirled down the drain.
Errol began to wash her as she stood emotionless.
She had locked herself out of the world and withdrawn into her mind.
He got her out of the shower and wrapped her in a towel, dried her hair and helped dress her ever so gently.
He put her back on the bench and got dressed himself.
He grabbed her hand and they walked.
"Look lets go feed your muse and then come back to mine, I dont want you being alone tonight, you could even bring her with you if that helps."
She nodded in agreement and they headed to her home.

Serena busied herself with the manotanous task of feeding Sasha whilst Erol put the kettle on and made a coffee for each of them.
She sat on the couch staring at the wall, a warm mug was placed in her hand and she looked up at the amber eyed man and smiled.
" I knew I'd get a smile out of you eventually." He grinned and inside he was relieved.
" Sorry I guess I retreated into my mind a little."
Erol sat next to her on the couch and they drank their coffee in silence.

Erol opened the door to his apartment he ordered in some food they ate and went to bed. Sasha curled up next to Serena and she cuddled her as Erol held her in his arms.
He stroked her hair until she fell into sleep.
It was at that moment he realised his feelings for her went alot deeper than he let on, he held her tighter, smiled and drifted into sleep with her.

Serena dreamt that night of ice blue eyes.

In her dreams he could talk.
"Why did you let them do this too me?"
The boy sat on the metal bed of his cell his back towards her sobbing into his hands.
"Why do you let then torture me?"
Serena tried to touch his shoulder he shook her hand off.
" I'm sorry." She said to him.
"I dont believe you and your lies!" He yelled.
" I'm just doing my job." She cried.
"That's right we all have to live somehow right?"
"It's the way this city is I'm sorry!"
The boy began to laugh miniacly.
His hands grew razor sharp claws as his skin went white, he turned to her his ice blue eyes now black and empty his mouth was in a miniacle twisted smile his teeth now razor sharp.
Electric bolts of dark eco sparked off him, as he raised his hand and lashed out at her.

Serena sat bolt up right in the bed, cold sweet poured off her.
She panted heavily, she felt like she could feel the claws rip through her skin.
Erol sat up in bed " Serena are you okay?" He reached out to her, she jumped.
"It's okay dear its only me, you must of had a bad dream."
"It seemed very real," she stated.
He hugged her and pulled her back to him she lay against his side as he held her close to him.
" It will get easier I promise." He whispered into her hair.
" I hope so too." She said, "help me to forget for a moment."
She straddled him and kissed him.
"Oh I am more than happy to oblige." He replied with a smile on his face.

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