13-Loss and Gains

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The day had arrived, Serena had managed to dodge Erol for the week, but she didn't think she was going to e able to today.
The Haven City cup.

"There you are!" An arm grabbed Serena as she walked down the hall and threw her back against it.
She winced at the pain as Erol pinned her against the wall.
He laughed in her face, his only inches from hers.
Serena didn't know what to think panic flicked through her mind as he trapped her, she held her breath as she waited for him to speak as he stared into her grey eyes and her into his green, she saw his anger waver for only a moment.
"Oh my dear, sweet, Seri what am I ever going to do with you, I now have all the power I could ever want over you."
His gloved hand ran up her neck and to her throat, "do I throw you to the Baron and let him deal with you or do I let your pain suffer over the years slowly like the lies you have told me?" His hand began closing over her windpipe
"Erol please.." Serena managed to gasp out as a sharp sting crossed over her face and her neck snapped sideways.
"Don't, Erol, please, me!" He pointed his finger in her face. "You belong to me! You have always belonged to me!" He snarled, he dropped his hand down and regained his composure from his outburst.
"Now here is what is going to happen, you are going to be a good little girl and when I say jump, I fucking mean it!"
Erol's face came closer to hers, his lips brushed her ear, "you will do as I say and when I say, you will not leave my side unless told to."
Serena shivered in disgust at his words.
"Now be the good little girl you are and get off to those races, play the great commander Acheron of the pathetic house of Acheron and do the Baron's bidding." He laughed.
"If you don't, I will kill all your little underground buddies, I know all their locations and all their safe houses, now run along, oh and don't try and communicate with them, I will know." He let her go and headed to the race track as Serena slid down the wall of the hallway to the dark red carpet floor.
Little did Erol know a plan was already in place.

Lieutenant Michaels walked the halls whistling as he turned the corner he saw the commander sitting on the floor, one side of her face red.
"Commander are you okay?" He questioned hesitantly.
Serena noticed the hesitance in his voice heard it waver, in that moment she knew who had told Erol, she wasn't dumb she could put two and two together.
Michaels was with her on most of her visits when she was in uniform to the underground.
Anger seared through her, "it was you wasn't it?"
"What ever do you mean?" Again he faltered.
"You ratted me out, it was my right hand man this whole time!" She yelled as she unholstered her pistol and pointed it at him square in the forehead as she rose from the ground.
Her heart beat in her ears, all rational thought was gone, but her aim did not falter.
"Please commander you don't understand, he has threatened my family my children, if I didn't give him the information he was after he would of killed them. You have known me long enough to know my children are my world in this hell hole." Michaels pleaded with her.
Serena lowered her pistol and walked to Michaels and instead of throttling him like she wanted to, she hugged him, "I'm sorry my brother in arms, I don't know what will happen but once I am gone you are in charge." She spoke softly to him.
"I am sorry Commander, I have failed you." He hung his head as they broke apart.
"You did what you had to, my mind wasn't clear for a moment, resume the security detail, I do not know what will happen by the end of the day, good luck lieutenant." She saluted him and left, knowing this would be one of to last times she would see him.

Erol's threats sat uneasy in Serena's mind she stood upon the platform next to Baron Praxis, she could hardly think let alone concentrate on the task ahead.
She felt as though she had gotten off somewhat lightly, but now Erol held his threat above her head as though one would hold a yakow steak over a precursor shark, one wrong move and she was dead.
Serena had no choice but to obey his every whim, even if it meant destroying her soul for the sake and safety of her friends if she didn't get out.
"Commander Acheron you seem distracted under that mask." The Baron commented next to her.
"A lot of radio chatter your excellency, don't stress everything we need is in place." She lied to him.
"Good I want this to run smoothly and if that eco freak makes an appearance shoot him on sight." He growled.
"Ladies and gentlemen the class one races are about to begin." The automated women's voice sounded over the cheers of the crowd.

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