15-Over ridden

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A/N: Greetings from Haven City my fellow readers.
I have had a very serious amount of writers block again and finishing up this last part of the story has been extremely hard.
I put a lot of this down to training like crazy for my fire fighters recruits course.
I have plotted out the last bits so let's hope it comes out on paper okay 😉.
Love wastelander543 xxx

P.s I think I may have some ideas for a second novel to this so stay tuned...


"Jinx we have to find the shadow!" Serena yelled over the chaos.
Jinx spotted a single seater zoomer, "come on we are going for a ride!" He yelled and grabbed her arm dragging her across the lane, almost tripping as she went.
He grabbed the zoomer, he searched frantically but there weren't any keys so he pulled out the ignition panel and began to pull out wires, "come on Jinx!" Serena worried as he began cutting and twisting together different wires in a hurry.
"Hold on doll, I got this, just watch my six." He yelled with a knife between his teeth frantically trying to hurry.
Serena turned to watch his back, she came face to face with a metalhead its teeth dripping with blood and drool.
"Jinx!" She whispered loudly, "hurry, the, fuck, up!" Not wanting to startle the beast she began to back up slowly as it edged towards her, the sound of the zoomer engine burst to life, she felt a arm grab her and pull her on the bike as the metalhead lurched forward.
"Hang on babe!" Jinx yelled and pulled the throttle, he wasn't quick enough the claw sunk into Serena's left thigh as he flew past the metalhead.
"Shit!" She yelled out in pain and grasped her thigh, "shit Seri are you okay?" Jinx panicked and slowed down.
"Don't bloody slow down for me we need to get to the shadow, Torn mentioned earlier about him being over by the stadium, we need to help out as much as we can."
She cared little of what happened to her she just wanted the citizens of Haven safe.
"Seri your bleeding!" Jinx yelled at her over the zoomer, "I don't care Jinx just get me to the stadium I will worry about it later just shut up and drive!"
She ripped the bottom of her top and tied it round her leg as she balanced on the back of the zoomer.

Jinx raced through the streets dodging metalheads, guards, and citizens.
Serena held onto him tightly, hoping they were not too late in getting to their destination, the area opened up in front of the stadium, Jinx brought the zoomer to a standstill next to a strange metal craft.
"Serena right?" A small young woman Serena knew all too well as the "mechanic girl" walked out from behind the machine.
"Yeah, what's it to you?" She spat her words venomously at the young woman. Erol may be dead but her hate was still strong.
Serena climbed off the zoomer but as her leg hit the ground pain spiked viciously through he thigh "holy mother of precursors," she shouted in pain and fell to her knees, trying to get up but failing.
Jinx raced off the bike and scooped her up in his arms, he carried her across the the small clearing, setting her down on the edging of  a garden bed.
"Shit Seri this is a lot worse than your leading on isn't it?" Jinx had noticed her face go pale and her jaw set firm in a hard line fighting the pain.
"I can handle it," she grimaced through the pain.
A hiss sounded behind her she drew her pistol from her leg holster and shot behind her hitting the metalhead scorpion, its skull gem popping out and clattering to the ground at the feet of someone
"Good shooting," came the older man's voice."
"Your not the shadow." Serena spoke to the man walking towards her leaning heavily on his cane.
"No my name is Samos, here let me help fix that leg up." He smiled at her and green eco began to pool around her leg from the man as she watched the gash on her leg heal in front of her eyes.
"Your not from this time are you?" She asked him.
"Again, no, we traveled through a rift ring over two years ago using the craft over there, young Keria has built a replica to get us back home."
"Wow I have seen some things in my day but this seems all impossible." She spoke quietly.
"Tell me young one, do you see the precursors in your dreams?"
"Yes, but what has this got to do with a war and how did you know?" She asked him, anger and curiosity mixed in her mind.
"I myself see them being a green sage."
"I am not a sage." She growled.
"Don't be daft girl! Are you not the decendant of Gol and Mia Acheron?" He grumbled and whacked the top of her head with the cane.
"Ow, yes!" She rubbed the top of her head.
"But they were crazed and deranged, I don't want to end up like them." She sighed.
"You won't, not without some training of course. Gol and Mia were some of the best mages I knew, they strayed from the right path but they were amazingly talented" He smiled as Serena stood.
The mechanic girl stepped up to the old man.
"Daddy is a great teacher, I am sure he can teach you so much." She smiled up at him with adoration.
"Yes Keira." Samos spoke affectionately back.
"Serena, I am sorry about Erol, he was a great racer, I am sorry for your loss." Keira turned to Serena.
"Thanks," Serena responded seeing the sincerity in  the young girls face, trying to not let tears fall from her eyes.
"I don't mean to be the only sane one here guys and gals but do we really 5hink we should be standing around talking like there ain't no war going on round us?" Jinx interrupted with he obvious.
"Your right Jinx we need to get things moving." Serena snapped out of her pout and put the pain behind her.
"Jak!" Keira yelled, Serena turned to look and saw Daxter and Jak walking towards the small gaggle of people.
"The rift rider is almost finished, but if my father is right and the ring is somewhere inside the metal head nest how are we going to get the rift rider there to use it?" Keira spoke to him.
"Ahhh so that is what this hunk of metal is, who woulda thought." Jinx spoke up lighting his cigar.
"LOOOOk!!" A lurker yelled from behind the contraption, pointing to the sky, an old balloon lifter floated over from the stadium, controlled by more lurkers.
"What the?" Serena, was first surprised by the lurker but followed his arm and looked in amazement at the simple machine as it landed in the more open area of the courtyard.
"Brutter just knew friends would need lift if the metal headers attack."
"Well most of the shield walls are down so duh," Jinx commented.
"Brutter you the man," Daxter pointed to the purple beast.
"Lurker balloons are finest lifters
In the world but easy targets." He said with his hands waving about as he spoke.
"Mmm right you guys get the riftrider to the nest." Jak pointed at the lurker,
"I will stay here and defend your get away."
"Once again being your friend Sucks!" Daxter pouted, "I wanna go on the balloon." He crossed his arms and pouted.
"You keep stadium safe while we prep balloom for lift away. " Brutter told them.
"Yes it will take both of us to shift it." The shadow joined them walking over with Samos
"What the, there are two of them." Jinx said shock on his face he almost dropped his cigar out of his mouth.
"No time to explain buddy." Jak said.
"Oh no here they come metal headers!" The lurker yelled.
Samos and the shadow used their green eco to pick the rift rider into the air and began making a slow and monogamous walk to the air lifter.
"Jak take the front, Jinx take the left flank, I will cover the rear, hey Mechanic girl." Serena instantly started to bark orders her training taking over instantly, Keira turned to her, Serena threw a pistol to her, "she is loaded ready to go just point and shoot, you take right flank, move out."
The team nodded and began the slow walk with the green sages to the air lifter.
Metal heads were pouring in hot and fast, their attacks relentless, but careless.
"Keep it up team!" Serena yelled over the chaos that was unfolding.
Skull gems bounced around the concrete.
Serena noticed the dark eco left behind was being absorbed by Jak as he passed it.
Interesting she made a note of it to keep in mind.
The sages monuvered the rift rider onto the air lifters platform, Keria Brutter and the sages climbed aboard.
"Up up and away!." Brutter shouted as the contraption took them high into the air and above the city to the metal head nest.
Daxter stood on Jak's shoulder as the three gathered round and watched there ascent into the sky.
"Must be nice to floating away while we die down here!" Daxter shouted at them.
"We will meet at the nest, see you soon, be careful Jak!" Keira shouted from the platform.
"Yes Jak be careful." Daxter grumbled.
Jak shot his companion a filthy look and  turned to Serena.
"I see made it out alive." He smiled.
"Barely." Was her one worded response.
"We need to find where the Baron has hidden the precursor stone." Jak began walking as his communicator rang.
He answered it quickly, "Jak...Kor...construction sight." Vin's voice came over.
"Was that Vin?" Serena asked panicked by the way his voice sounded.
"That don't sound to good Jaky boy." Jinx looked at them both.
"What is Kor doing at the construction sight?" Serena asked, "Jak you better head over Vin doesnt sound to flash hot and I need to see if I can find Ashelin and get the boy out of the palace somehow."
Jak grabbed Serena's shoulder as she began to walk, halting her in her place.
"You can't do that if the Baron finds you.." she cut him short.
"It is a risk I am willing to take, it is time for me to stand up to him."
He let her shoulder go as he ran to the construction sight.

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