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The next eight months seemed to be a boring routine for Serena.
Nothing had really changed it was still the same old war, The Baron was still a miserable tyrant, Erol was becoming more sour as his experiments failed and Serena still had to take Jak for his eco injection cycles.
She had not spoken with Torn in sometime as the underground were lying low.
She visited Sig occasionally and spent her nights dreaming of ice blue eyes turning to black.

Today she sat in the war room listening to head councilman Count Veger and Erol argue.
"Out of the five experiments on people with eco all have died except for one! " Veger said. " What you and that woman are doing is an abomination!"
"Yes but this one called Jak is still going he seems resilient but he hasn't died as of yet he shows promise. " Erol said looking at the charts.
"If we just look to the precursors the light will show the way. " Veger said.
"Screw the Precursors!" Serena interrupted them. "What have they done for us?" She crossed her arms as she leant against the holo-map.
"Who asked your opinion girl?" Veger spat at her and swung his precursor cane at her.
"I wouldn't do that if I was you." Erol grabbed ahold of the Count's wrist before the blow landed.
"Screw this I'm out of here I have better things to do then listen to you two bitch back and forth."
Serena left and went to the prisons.
She went to Jak's cell and went in.
They had become friends in a strange way and conversed when they could.
He turned and looked at her, he was turning from a young and frightened boy into a hardened and resilient young man.
His hair had grown longer and he had grown facial hair.
His hardened face softened as he saw who it was who walked into his cell.
Serena sat on the cold metal bed across from him.
"Well it is almost that time of day again." She told him.
He nodded, "Same time and same place." He spoke in a low voice.
"Yes well not much changes around here...." Serena paused for a moment.
"Wait a minute you just spoke didn't you? " Serena stared at him flabbergasted that the man she had been dealing with for eight months just spoke.
"I've been practising and after one of the cycles it just came to me, I'm as surprised as you are. " He chuckled and seemed quiet pleased with himself.
"Well what ever you do, don't let Praxis or Erol catch you talking. "
"I won't okay. " Sounding like a typical teenage boy.
"Good, right well you know the drill. "
He stuck his arms out, and she clamped the cuffs on and accidentally touched his hand.
Her mind went black and then all she could see was the monster within him, the one she dreamt of over eight months ago, pale skinned, black bottomless eyes and a deranged smile on its face, bolts of dark eco poured off him.
Her vision cleared and Jak was staring at her speaking, a concerned look on his face.
It wasn't until he said it the second time she heard it.
"Serena are you okay?" He asked her.
"I'm fine, just fine." She replied quickly gathering herself.
"You checked out for a moment then and the look on your face was of terror. "
"I'm fine alright! " She snapped at him.
She pushed him out if the cell and towards the lab maybe a bit rougher than she should have.
Little did she know this would be the last time she saw him for a long time.

Seasons and time passed the war was getting worse, it was nastier and bloodier. A dark gloom not only hung over the city of Haven but over it's people as well. It was in a constant state of dispare and miserableness.

Nearly two years from the start of the dark eco warrior project, Serena was now spending more time out of the city on missions at the drill platforms and helping protect the cities eco supplies at the strip mines.
Metal head attacks were becoming more and more frequent they were becoming more organised and they were loosing power to the shield walls daily, rolling power shortages meant more people were forced into the slums.
Crime had risen and the cells were filling.
She had not seen Jak in months she missed their talks they had in the dark of his cell, he was the only one she could confied in and get an honest opinion out of.
Torn still wanted Serena close to Erol and to pass on what little information she had about the experiments but it was getting harder and harder to meet him without getting caught, everyone was under suspicion.

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