2-Establish Comms

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Serena put the code into her door and entered her small home.
One benifit of being a Commander meant she didn't have to live at the barracks with the rest of her troops.
The door closed behind her and she leant against it and slid to the floor as so many emotions went through her mind.
Erol had kissed her and not just a little peck on the lips it was full of passion, like he had been wanting to do this for a long time.
She had worked with him all these years and had never noticed, she touched her lips where he had kissed her.
Sasha had heard the door open and bounded over and the big muse made her self comfortable in Serena's lap whilst purring affectionately.
"Oh my god Sasha you are not a kitten anymore your like twenty kilos get off! "
She grumbled at the muse and tried to rub off the yellow strands of fur off her dress.
Her communicator went off again, she rifled around in her clutch and pulled it out.
"Serena are you okay? " Torn's voice came over the speaker worried.
"I'm fine I just got in the door."
"Good I want a debrief at seven pm sharp at the Hip Hog Heaven Saloon in the port. "
Serena shuddered about going into that dive of a bar by the port.
"Roger that." And for once she cut the line.
Picking herself up she removed her shoes trudged to the bathroom, removed her jewellery and makeup, took off her dress and walked to the bed. Its soft pillows and throws looked so inviting l, she curled up under the blanket with her muse.

Serena awoke to the alarm, she stared at it groggily and evily, five am she rolled out of bed uncerimonly and that's when the pain hit her head.
Oh god she thought remind oneself never to go drinking with Ashelin again.
This was one killer hangover, Serena drunk very rarely and she had to deal with Erol and Praxis in the war room at six.
It was going to be a long day.

Busying herself with her morning routine making sure to get in some pain killers she then left the house and made her way to the palace, which was a short five minute walk.
A quick stop into the barracks to ensure the first set of patrols in and around the palace were in place she headed to the war room.
She could already hear the muffled yells of the Baron through the closed door.
If it was anyone else Serena would have turned on her heel and walked away.
She mentally prepared herself checked over her standard uniform of, black cargo pants, long knee high combat boots, yellow leather jacket with a black stripe up each arm and black tank top.
Her pistols were strapped to her thighs in black leather holsters, worn from years of use and her long black hair french plaited down her back.
The room went a little quiet, although she could still hear murmurs she picked this as a good time to enter and she swiped her security pass, the door slid open to reveal a darkened circular room with a table in the middle at waist height.
On the table was a three dimensional map of Haven city including the surrounding areas.
Erol had his arms on the edge of the table and Praxis was staring at the surveillance screens on the wall. "Nice of you to join us Acheron, " Praxis growled. "Now we are all here let's begin." He turned and nodded at Erol.
"Baron, we don't know how much longer the eco shields are going to hold out against these metal heads, ground troops are stretched and I don't have enough time to train recruits to keep replacing my men." Erol exclaimed.
"But has Vin not started the construction of the KG bots you ordered Praxis? " Serena asked the Baron.
" Construction is under way and I expect you to go and visit Vin today and give him a rark up, I didn't spend billions on that war factory for nothing. " He slammed his fist on the table and the map flitted out of focus for a moment. He had always had an anger problem after his accident.
The Baron had his face semi reconstructed with metal plates, his eye missing, along with his ear and half his nose, he had in irony became similar to what he hated most.
"The metal head armies have been stirring in the wastelands, reports from Spargus have suggested mass migrations across the dessert. " Erol made a mark on the map to the west of the city.
"Toughen patrols along the western boarder." Praxis replied.
Erol went through his lists as Serena listened to him and Praxis converse.
She tried to listen but got lost in thought as most of the information shared didn't have anything to do with her, she almost felt her eyes glaze over.
"Acheron!" The baron barked, she immediately stood to attention.
"Yes Baron?"
"Since Commander Erol is stretched thin I want you to put Lutinante Marshall in charge of day to day running of the guards in the palace and ammo dump, I want double guards for the prison cells and I want you to help Commander Erol with the new recruits trainings. "
"Of course Baron Praxis"
"Good now I have some private buissness to attend to, I expect reports on my desk by the end of the day. " Praxis then left in a hurry leaving the two commanders alone to plan their days.
Serena sat on the edge of the table with her tablet in hand and began shifting the positions of her troops around ensuring that the patrols matched what the Baron wanted.
Alpha teams had been working exceptionally hard this week where as Delta had been slacking and had slipped up a few times this week.
Well looks like Delta have proved they need to be taught a lesson and will go on prison duty she thought to herself sliding the tiles into place.
Although why the baron wants double the guards down there is interesting, he must be planning something, she took a mental note to report this to Torn later.
Once done she emailed it to Marshall and contacted him on the communicator to confirm.
He understood the Baron's plan and that he would be in charge today which left her to do the personal objectives Praxis had set for her.
Swinging her legs backwards and forwards she felt her leg bumb into something.
She looked up and Erol was there, she hadn't noticed him move from the security monitors.
"So the great Commander Acheron is being dragged out of the palace to help train recruits?" He stared down at her questionly.
"I guess so its been some time working in the palace has become a bit of a bore at current, " she replied to him.
"Well let me take you out of your ivory tower, I hope you are ready to go hard on these recruits as I won't be pussy footing around with them. " He said with a tone of arrogance and cockiness.
Serena stood up at that moment starting to become irritated but suddenly realised she was about a foot shorter than Erol. She didn't care though she prodded him in the chest anyway.
"You think I would pussy foot around? I wouldn't be where I am if I pussy footed around with my troops so you better watch your mouth, I don't care if your my commanding officer, nobody insults me and my troops. " She spat out in anger at him. She worked hard with her troops and even harder to get where she was, the fact she could leave Marshall in charge was a testament to her abilities to train.
" Kitty has claws, I like." Erol purred with a smile on his face and stepped closer to Serena closing the gap between them.
He growled and picked her up and put her back on the table kissing her as he went, he was aggressive but not in a way that would hurt, he just knew what he wanted and he wanted her, so he took it.
Shock settled in at first but Serena soon relaxed and followed suit.
The way he tasted was intense and all she knew was she wanted more.
She didn't understand why the tension between them had started to turn this way but she gave in and went with it.
Erol was anything but gentle he was rough in his assault of her and he couldn't get enough of her, he slid his hand up her stomach, and she let out the smallest of moans in appreciation, he had almost reached his way to her cleavage when the door slid open and someone cleared their throat.
"Shit," he let out in a whisper, more frustrated and angry they had been interrupted.
Serena quickly jumped off the table and turned to see Ashelin.
"Wow! So I'm guessing something did happen between you two." Ashelin pointed at the two of them, at that moment Serena's face went red.
She could not believe she had been caught out, at least it was only Ashelin and not one of the other guards or worse Praxis.
"And you'll do good to keep your mouth shut about it!" Erol snapped, angry he couldn't continue. " I expect to see you, Acheron, at one pm to make introductions to the new recruits in the barracks. " He began to walk off but not before grabbing Serena's arse on the way out with a playful smirk on his face.
Both woman's eyes followed him out as he turned down the corridor to sort his troops out.

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