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Serena walked through the halls of the palace in full armour ready to patrol the streets around the palace when the Baron called her into the throne room.
"Acheron I have a task for you." He told her quietly, Serena had a quizzical look upon her face and removed her helmet.
"What do you require?" She asked.
" My own daughter seems to have made some friends with this underground scum, it's a betrayal to me, but I think I can use this." He sounded slightly hurt, but also like it convieninced him.
"What did you have in mind Baron Praxis?" Serena's interest peaked.
"I want you to use some of your old connections with the traitor ex commander Torn and get this message to him." He handed her a video communicator with a recording on it.
"You know I don't have connections?" She told him, she waited nervously for his response unsure if it was going to be followed with a backhand.
"Of course I do, stupid girl, a war isn't won without crossing lines, anyone can be brought for the right price, you of all people should know this" He chuckled.
"I know how close you two were, you always sidle off to the commanders. Now off you go I expect that message to be delivered quick sharp." The Baron walked out of the throne room leaving Serena standing there looking at the small device in her hand.
"What is he up to now?" She whispered.

Serena walked down the steps to the underground head quarters removing her helmet.
It wasn't uncommon to see the odd guard come through, the underground had many eyes.
There were bunk beds that lined the walls that made for a small entranceway down to the main room.
A large table dominated the room and was covered in papers, blueprints and plans that made their way around the room and lined the walls, there were pictures of the Baron and of Erol, of herself even.
A fire place used for cooking and heating sat in the corner and gave the room a nice glow and doors led off to private quarters of the commanders and leaders within the underground group.
Torn was bent over the table looking through plans, without glancing up he spoke.
"What is it now? I am busy."
"Well isn't that a fine hello." Serena said as his head flicked up at her voice.
"Serena I wasn't expecting you." Surprise upon his face.
"No you weren't, I have this from Praxis himself, asked me to use my connections to get it to you."
"You weren't followed were you?"
"No I wasn't, you know Erol knows your location and I have men posted down the street."
"Your right, I wonder what he wants?" As he stared at the small unit Serena handed to him he placed it in the middle of the desk, the door to the underground opened but they ignored it as a man walked out.
Torn pushed a button on the communicator and the message started with a picture of the Baron's head.
" Greetings traitor, ex commander Torn, I have sent this message as a plea bargain." He spoke and Torn and Serena looked at each other, Torn silently asking her and Serena shrugged her shoulders.
" You may know my daughter Ashelin, a little too well, I have had commander Erol follower her and well, I dont appreciate spies, no matter who they are." An image of Ashelin popped up, her tied to a chair and next to her was Erol holding a pistol to her temple.
The image flashed back to Praxis speaking.
" I want the locations of these underground fugitives by tomorrow's end, if not, I will have to make my commander here pull the trigger on my own daughter." The Baron's image laughed.
"Fuck!" Torn yelled and slammed his fist on the desk.
" Here's the list, do not dissapoint me like you did as commander of my Krimzon guards." He yelled.
Names started scrolling past on the message screen, Serena recognized more than a few, she frowned for a moment soaking in the silence then turned to Torn, a thought came into her mind, she hesitated and then stated her mind.
"Why not let the Baron think he had a small victory.
I have plans here of the sector he would hold them." Serena brought out her handheld tablet and brought up the schematics for him to see.
"If you want I can get Vin to loose power to surveillance in that sector and get the doors open into the palace to get them out." She told him as she pointed out the sector on the device.
"Why would I do that?" He asked her his head hung low.
"Cause you and I both know the Baron wouldn't hesitate to kill Ashelin." She told him.
"I cant give up the locations Seri."
"You get them in, I promise you I will lay the path for one of your men to get them out. You know the Baron will kill his own daughter if it means he gains the upper hand against you, I know you love her so don't betray her." Serena became angry, grabbed her device and turned to walk out the room when Torn grabbed her shoulder.
Serna stopped but didn't turn around.
"Get those codes Acheron I will tell my guys to go easy and without a fight. I will give their locations to him." She nodded put her helmet on and walked up the stairs just as Jak walked in, he scowled at her not knowing who she was as she continued on out the door she picked up her two men she left as watch outs, knowing they would take her secrets to the grave and continued on her walk back to the palace.

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