17- Celebrations

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Serena walked into the hanger the men and woman of her elite troops assembled awaiting instruction from her.
She paced back and forward in front of them her hands behind her back.
"Some of you will have noticed a rather large change round here, some will like it, some will not. I will now give those who do not want to be here the chance to leave." The hanger remained dead silent, it was almost dead airy as she paced.
"I will only give you one more chance, if your loyalty still lies with Baron Praxis, leave now." Her voice echoed again amongst the silence of her troops.
She paced backwards and forwards in front of the ranks.
"I am glad to see that even after all that has happened I have the faith and trust of my troops." She said with confidence to them.
A pair of boots echoed across the room, "Commander of the deck!" Serena yelled.
The thump of boots hitting the floor as each and everyone of her men and women saluted the new Commander brought a sense of pride to Serena's heart.
"At ease!" Torn told them.
"Troops, I want you to welcome back an old face, Commander Torn, he will be taking up his old role as Commander of the Krimzon guard, I want you to show him the respect he deserves."
"Thank you commander Acheron I look forward to working with our troops." He coughed slightly as Ashelin walked in.
Again the room echoed with the bang of boots on the floor and armour plates moving towards a salute.
"At ease." Ashelin told them, " I want to thank all of you men and women for the hard work you have put into helping save this city. Unfortunately it is far from over, a new threat has arisen and I want you to look out not just for the people of this city but for one another. This guard will change for the better.
As the new governor of Haven I want our people safe from harm to be able to live freely and without fear.
This will be the New Haven City!"
The men and women began to cheer loudly at their governor's words.
"We will rebuild, like a Phoenix this city will rise from the ashes." She stood proudly infront of them, confidence poured from her.
Serena watched her friend with pride, but as she watched her vision became blurred, black spots began to invade her sight.
She fell to a knee her head pounding as a deep and unknown voice spoke to her, she couldn't understand it, she raised her hands to the side of her head.
"Acheron!" Torn yelled, as he and Ashelin hurried to her side.
"Someone grab the medics immediately!" Ashelin yelled to her body guard.
"Serena, hang on help is on the way." She felt Ashelin holding her shoulders she could see her briefly in her vision.
"Someone get Samos, I don't think this is normal either," Ashelin mumbled to Torn.
Serena couldn't take the voices in her head and her mind gave out and the blackness of unconsciousness took over her.

"She's waking up give her some space." A muffled voice could be heard through the fog in Serena's head.
She opened her eyes slowly to see her comrades and friends surrounding her.
"Seri...?" Ashelin spoke softly.
"What happened?" Serena spoke although it was like talking with a mouth full of cotton wool, dry and uncomfortable.
"Your in the medical wing, you had some sort of episode and fell to your knees and passed out." Torn spoke quietly from the chair of the room.
Serena raised a hand to her head, it was all so sudden and confusion clouded her mind.
"All I remember is the voices, dark voices speaking in another language to me, I couldn't understand them then my vision went blurry and I was out like a light."
A edgy silence filled the room and the clack or Samos' cane could be heard, "my dear girl I don't like the sound of what you just described, I must do some consorting with Onin, see what I can find out, till then rest up, there are celebrations to be had tonight." The sage petted her hand and clacked back out of the room muttering to himself and shaking his head.
"Well what ever it was its over now, you rest up the doctors are going to run slow tests, I have put the troops on task." Torn said reassuringly.
"Not exactly what I had in mind for my comeback to the guard." Serena sighed and tried to sit up.
"I've taken the liberty of calling up someone to visit in on you as well too."Ashelin winked at her and smiled cheekily.
"I don't like that smile Ash, what are you up to?" Serena eyed her with suspicion.
"You will see." She smiled, "come on Torn let her have her rest, I am sure you will be up and about this evening in time for the opening of Daxter's new place."

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