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"Gone someplace you'll never find me."

I threw the now crumpled piece of paper onto the kitchen table. "Happy now?"

Dad looked at me over the top of the newspaper. "Well, son, I'm actually quite delighted. Although I don't know why you're using that tone with me."

"You're delighted?!" I repeated, my anger growing with each syllable.

"Of course! Why would I not be? It was beneficial for everyone."

"How is this beneficial?"

"Money, my dear son. Think of the money. And the press. Why, this is the best deal I've made in my entire career."

Wait. A deal? "Do you even know what I'm talking about?"

He folded down the paper. "Son, I do suggest you stop sounding like an uneducated help. Of course, I do."

"So, you know your daughter is missing?"

He chuckled before returning to the paper. "She's not missing, Andrew. Now run along. I don't have time for your antics."

I sighed, knowing I had went to the wrong person. "Fine. But when you're done reading about yourself in the news, I hope you realize how bad of a parent you are."

He smiled, clearly not hearing anything I had just said.

Time for Plan B, I thought.

Running up the stairs, I went into my mother's study. "Mom, we really need to talk."

She raised her head from the screen. "Of course, honey. Please, sit down."

I mumbled a thanks.

"Now, what is this meeting about? Surely you'd rather be discussing your problems with Eve."

I cleared my throat. "Actually, Mom, it's about Eve." I said, handing her the paper. "This was left on my bed."

Her eyes scanned the paper multiple times before realization struck her features. "Did she..?"

I shook my head. "No, she wouldn't have done that."

"Then where would she go? And why?"

"I was thinking westward. She's always talked about California." I thought for a moment. "But she wouldn't go there. No, it would be someplace she's never mentioned before."

Concern. That's what filled my mother's voice when she asked me to find out as much as I could from Eve's computer.

"Of course. And can you please tell Dad? He was so caught up in bragging about his latest deal that he wouldn't even listen."

She lowered her head in shame. "Yes, I will inform him."

I simply nodded. Their marriage was strictly a business arrangement--he was the multimillionaire CEO-to-be, and she was just starting on her first million. It was simple. She was to help him show his family he was capable of settling down, and he would help her business by giving it international exposure.

But it was loveless. Eve and I both knew we were the result of his parents demanding grandchildren, nothing more, nothing less.

As I stood in front of her door, I raised my fist to knock before remembering she wasn't inside to answer. Hesitantly, I pushed it open.

Her computer. I needed her computer.

My eyes scanned her room. If I were Eve, where would I keep my computer?

I took a step towards the bed and lifted up the top mattress, revealing the one thing that would help me find her.

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