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It's funny how life goes. How one moment I could be holding the girl I love and the next I'm being forced to go home. How one day my parents don't care and the next, I'm sitting in the library discussing irrelevant topics.

"So," Dad says, clearing his throat, "how's Kate?"

"Kay is doing quite awful right now. Something about learning your best friend is gone really hurts a person." I answered sharply. Why was he asking? I knew he didn't care. Heck, he hadn't even bothered to learn her name.

Mother dearest stepped forward. "Now, dear, let's not be so rude."

Rude? She wanted to talk to me about rude? "No, Mother," I said, standing up from my chair. "I can be rude, and I will be. Why? Because neither of you care. Because you're doing the pool boy," I turned to face Dad, "and you're probably doing the secretary. Neither of you care about me or Eve. Neither of you ever really wanted us. No, you had kids so you could make your dear parents happy by posing with us in pictures and saying 'Oh, look what a beautiful family we have. Aren't we so caring?' Newsflash: Eve knew that. I knew that. While the world didn't know that before, I'm sure the investigation around her disappearance will show that. So stop being self-righteous know-it-alls who drag me away from the two people I can count on right now."

I walked away. They weren't worth this.

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