[5] I Was In Space

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Hey I'm lesbian.
I thought you were American.


"I'm coming with you."

   "Are you for real?" Steve just couldn't believe it.

   "Yes, of course, I have to go with you guys." I insisted.

   "We are facing Thanos, and right now you can't even stand."

   "Steve's right... (Y/n), stay with us." Pepper said. "You need to recover here, at least stay with him." She jerked her face at Tony's patient room.

"If anything I'll just be on the ship, I can give you some thoughts. I promise I will be back, this is just the start, ugh... this is hard to explain, but you know how a movie has a climax?"

   "What?" Steve had some dirty thoughts right there.

   "It means like the peak of a movie, the one really close to the ending, and in my world I'm pretty sure the story just started."

   "How do you know there's the after ending?" Bruce asked.


   "How do you know after the snap something will happen again? What if your whole movie universe just ended right there and this is just us going in our wars to lose again?"

   "Because!--" I stood up at him, angrier than Hulk could ever be. "--They announced to continue the Marvel cinematic universe for more than 20 years from now!"

   Rhodes stopped us. "Okay... okay. I think her point is that she knows there's more to this than just what we lost after the snap."

   "Can I please go back to my point?" I begged.

   Steve looked down and nodded.

   "Tony's a veggie right now, and even though you," I pointed at Captain Marvel, she was trying our beer. "Were technically older, but he was the first to bring the story to the screen and make it a hit. He'll have to be included in the climax."

   "We're confused." They said altogether.

   "No serious fight will occur unless Tony Stark is around. I can tag along because we're definitely going back to get him anyway."

   They were still confused, some did understand my point of view, those who were with me long enough, but not much because most of them now dusted.

   "She's standing." Captain Marvel said out of the blue.

   "What?" Captain America asked.

   "She can stand now? See? Take her with us. I can take care of her." She shrugged.

   I held my breath waiting for Steve to make the decision, then he nodded and I let it all out. All of us walked off to get ready, I tapped Carol's back.

   "Hey... thank you." I said genuinely.

   "No problem. What'd they call you again?"

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