Chapter 6

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The garden is so beautiful. We're in the middle of the city centre, but you can't notice anything about it. It's super quiet, there are no cars or busses and most importantly, there are no tourists. There are just a few people walking around, but they either don't notice us or they don't care about us. The sun is finally starting to shine through the thick layers of clouds that have been tainting the sky all morning, which is a whole new experience after a week filled with nothing other than rain and clouds. It's actually quite nice outside now, the sun is warming my face and the surrounding buildings keep us away from the wind.

For a while, we talk about university and my degree. We share our favourite moments from when we were still in high school, what we miss most from being in elementary school. It's fun to look back on those years. Unaware of all that went on in the world, no responsibilities, no expectations.

"Is that your favourite childhood memory?"

"No, I think that would be when my siblings and I ran away."

"Now I'm intrigued. Please do tell that story."

"We were on vacation somewhere near the woods. My brother and sister and I decided to discover the forest and we found a small stream not too far into the woods. We were only 10, 8 and 5 at the time but we thought we were the most mature kids to ever walk the earth, so we crossed the small stream. Not long after that the water started to rise and the tides were changing and we got stranded on the other side of it, suddenly unable to go back to where our parents were frantically searching for us. It took them an hour to find us. They were scared for our lives while we were just enjoying ourselves on the edge of the forest."

"I guess you were never allowed to go out by yourselves again?"

"Nope. Sneaking away from them once was bad enough, they kept a close eye on us the rest of the week."

We talk for hours. I was afraid it would be awkward, spending an entire afternoon together but I have not smiled and laughed this much in a long time. It feels like I've known him for ages. I lost count on how many pastries I've eaten all afternoon, but I would definitely need some time in the gym to work it off, not that I will actually go. We are walking back to the garden after getting out third coffee. This time we went to the nearest Starbucks instead of getting another Costa coffee. It's five already, the streets get crowded with people wanting to get home. It's crazy how many people are in the business district on a Saturday. It is a region with many restaurants and bars, so that might explain the number of people walking past us. We settle on one of the benches in the garden again, or conversation not faltering once.

"I like the coffees you serve at the coffee shop a lot better." His compliment brings a wide smile to my face. Pride wells in my chest, no coffee can ever be as good as the cappuccinos we serve, but I might be biased.

"We have better pastries as well." It's true though, we have amazing brownies and cheesecakes. My favourite thing about working a late shift is getting to eat all the leftovers with my colleagues.

The sun is starting to set and we decide to leave our spot in the garden. We walk towards the London Bridge, which is beautiful in the evening light. The Shard proudly stands out on the other side of the Thames. Every day I'm grateful for living and studying in London. I've loved this city ever since I was a little girl, but recently I've discovered so many new amazing places. And people. Every time again I fall more and more in love with this city.

Taking in the view from the London Bridge, I am amazed how it can be that I see new things every time I look around. I can't help but look at the beautiful person next to me. He is so laid back and smart and funny. The way he talks about topics or people he cares about really makes you think about it. You just want to listen to him talk. His smile is even more beautiful than I remember it to be. I can't believe how lucky I was to run into him -twice- and have such an amazing time with him. I don't expect it to last forever. I was lucky, but I won't be that lucky. He is one of the most wanted bachelors in his early twenties, there are thousands of girls who would do the craziest things just to spend a few minutes with him.

The sun has disappeared behind the horizon and the streets are getting darker every minute. It must already be dinner time, but I'm not hungry at all. We've had so many pastries that I don't even want to think about eating anything right now.

"I think I have to get home soon." I'm a little surprised at his reason because until now he hasn't said anything about his family. "My mom is probably waiting for me with dinner." He looks so sweet when he says it. It's absolutely adorable that he thinks of his mom like that.

"Do you still live with your parents?" I know it's a risky question, but I don't want to miss my chance to ask. If I want to get to know him better, I will have to start asking more questions.

"Yeah, I do." He looks almost ashamed when he admits it. He gets more adorable with the minute. Sometimes I wished I could have stayed at my parents' a little longer. It can be quite hard moving out when you're just 19.

I'm surprised when he starts talking about his family. I already knew he has a younger sister, but I don't know anything about her or the rest of his family. Wow, I sound like a stalker. It's just that I watch every interview he did after the movie came out, and he never spoke about his family in any of the interviews. He must trust me to talk about his family and life like this. I feel honoured because I assume, he doesn't talk about them with anyone he runs into. It just reminds me of how little I trust people. I am kind of surprised that I opened up to Luca the way I did today.

Normally I am very private, and I never show people the real me. Today, I did show Luca what I believe is the real me. Sometimes I'm not even sure what version is the true Skylar. I was bullied in high school and I learnt to hide in order to protect myself. It takes me great effort to let go of my protection mechanism. It feels like a huge victory that I didn't think of any of that today. I was just me, without thinking or worrying about it. That is something that hasn't happened in what feels like ages. I am always aware of what I do, what I say and what I look like, but today I didn't think about any of that. I just enjoyed Luca's company and the conversations we had. I feel kind of relieved that I was able to do so. I always thought that just wasn't possible for me.

Today was wonderful in so many ways. Luca and I had an amazing time in the garden, we talked about so many things and it feels like I've known him forever. But it wasn't just that. It was so much more to me. Luca showed me that I can be myself without worrying. That people do still care when I am myself. He showed me the side of myself I wanted to be for so long already. 

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