Chapter 11

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The Cell

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"To some of us Apple may be a gift, and to others this gift may be as opening a Pandora box, ergo a curse."

The blueprint figure started talking, silhouette of blue with blue lips speaking. Her features weren't that clear yet, but enough to figure it out. For example, it was pretty clear that it's a girl, the rest couldn't be determined, but her voice gave enough indication.

The figure started to rise from the ground, now her whole body was clear, yep, definitely a girl.

"What happens inside nobody knows of, not until now. Inside is a whole new world, the more you get inside you're getting inside yourself before anything else. My words may be a code and unclear to you, the one that will decode the mystery is the one who deserves the title of the winner." The robot like lady stared talking again; I was baffled to say the least.

How am I getting inside myself? I thought internally.

The blueprint started talking again; I wish I could say I gained any tips from the words she spoke. I mean, if this was the cheat code then I'd rather not see what the real deal was like.

The figure ahead suddenly pulled something from the ground beneath it. The shape of a sphere was held in between the techno figure's hand. It reminded me of the Pictionary of Jesus Christ holding the planet Earth in between his holy hands.

But that was different, this was Earth. And if anything, this place is the clashing converse of the image at hand—or rather at brain. If anything this feels like purgatory but never heaven, no. No place on Earth is like the latter. Contrary to popular sayings.

The vision zoomed closer at the ball rather than at the female. Since no colors were seen in this vision, all we could see is blue. Which means that this ball may be any color but we can't see it.

The ball rotated around at a three-sixty degree, "The cell" was written in a Junction-02 font right above the sphere. "The cell, is the Arena you will be competing in." The vision zoomed out again, six consecutive spheres surrounded the female suddenly. Each sphere had a letter which was floating in front of the assigned seats.

And since ours was J, an Earth-like sized ball—but of course a microscopic vision— with what looked like veins that pumped out of it and surrounded it like Earphones in a messed up bundle. A golden J was the only colored thing you could see in the whole room, or maybe it was Electrified I'm not sure. All I knew is that in the dim lights of the room it shone bright. Not just the J though, every letter on the balls were all same.

Why specifically these letters was still above me, but I'm sure my father has a valid reason for dropping random initials as group names.

It was only when the floating ball edged closer did I snap out of my overthinking. It suddenly snapped in two halves, up and down.

They floated further away from each other followed by the ladies booming voice coming out from who knows where. "The cell is defined in two areas. Number one: the arena—" the upper part of the cell glowed in a different color. "—then the Dorms." The inferior part glowed in a third color indicating that this is where the Dorms are. "For those who thought that you will be staying in an extracellular space, you are unfortunately wrong." The upper part now disappeared and the lower part took both the two places of the former half, making us see it better.

The half-circle flipped around so that the surface area was the seen part and not the bowl. Then like pizza slices, the circle ahead was cut into six pieces. "These are the rooms that you will stay at." She said. "There is only one exit and entrance to the rooms." I leaned ahead and propped an elbow on my knee as I changed my position.

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