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Coulson takes you to Fury once you grab a book. You sit in the helicopter across from Coulson, casually reading. You can feel everyone's eyes on you. After all, you have been "smuggling SHIELD's secrets to the public." I wonder if anyone here is part of Hydra? you wonder curiously. Maybe it was best not to know. It would not be ideal to have Hydra trying to kill her. You settle with only knowing Couslon sure as heck isn't and return to your book.

You're amazed that, gosh darn it, SHIELD frickin' found you! Yes, it wasn't the ideal circumstance. If they were to find you, you would've preferred being thought of as an enhanced and be asked to help SHIELD. Either that, or not being known at all so that the Sokovia Accords would never affect you. But you are amazed that, despite the unidealistic meeting, you are in the company of Agent Phil Coulson and several other agents of SHIELD, and will meet Nick Fury soon.

You begin rehearsing in your mind what will happen soon. Tesseract, Selvig, Loki, Avengers, New York, Chitauri, scepter. You need to start thinking of ways to "prophecy" about them. If you want to convince Fury, you need to have no connection whatsoever to it and then tell him what will happen. And maybe add a little bit about Hydra and whatnot in as well.

You wait patiently as the chopper lands and you are lead to Fury. You probably should be examining your surroundings, but your book is pretty intense at the moment. After years of practice walking around sloped Arabian hills with your nose in your book, you walk at a brisk pace down each corridor of the SHIELD facility. Coulson walks in front of you, and a couple armed guards walk on either side of you. They look at you suspiciously, but you only respond with a calm smile.

Before you go through a door, Coulson pushes the book away from your eyes. "The book will still exist when you're done here."

"Yes, but will you let me keep the book?"

"Maybe." He opens the door and leads you inside. The guards stay outside the door. In the room stood Director Nick Fury in all his glory. Tall, eyepatch, demanding respect and obedience. With his single eye he looks you up and down.

"So, you're the one with SHIELD secrets," he says suspiciously

"Apparently so."

"Agent, remind me of what she knows."

"Vanko wanted to kill Stark, Rockwell worked with Vanko, the Army was after Banner, Army screwed up with Captain America serum, Thor and Loki are real, Rogers is alive, SHIELD has the Tesseract-" Coulson starts.

"That's the shortened list," you say. "I have seen many things. The past, the present, the future."

"Right, because you're a psychic," Fury says unconvinced. "And has anyone actually seen you use your ESP?"

"Coulson did," you say offhandedly.

"It's true, I did see what she claims to be her use of ESP," Coulson adds. "But I have no way of knowing that it was actually a, uh, psychic fit."

You raise an eyebrow. "How else was I supposed to know about Selvig working on the Tesseract?"

"You know about the Tesseract?" Fury asked wildly.

"Yeah, you got Selvig to work on it, try to find unlimited power. And how would I have known about it if I weren't a psychic. Agent Coulson here tells me SHIELD has no regards to privacy. And what have I been doing? Archaeology and writing in my down time. I've had very few connections with anyone, so unless you think old Islamic relics are giving me information I shouldn't have, I don't have any way of knowing any of this without ESP."

"How long have you had these powers?" Fury asks.

You shrug. "Since about when Tony Stark told the world he's Iron Man in a press conference."

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