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You speed walk down the hallway and into the bridge, not stopping until you see who you are looking for: Thor. You aren’t quite sure how to approach him, having known him for the least amount of time. You slow down and casually head in his direction. “Thor, we need to talk.”

“What about?” Thor asks kindly. The two of you walk away from the nearby agents and sit down on a metallic bench bolted into the wall. 

You take a deep breath. “So, Fury told me to see Loki before Romanoff does, and specifically try to learn what happened between him and I. Well, he gave me a brief explanation of his theory, but I wanted to see if I could double check with you, since he’s the God of Lies and all that.”

Thor nods. “Certainly. Unfortunately, my brother has quite the talent for lies, which works very well for him in his grab for power.”

“Thank you,” you say with a sigh of relief. “Okay, remember what I told you about the Apparatus and how I became a psychic?” Thor nods. “Alright, so Loki said that the Apparatus gave me magical abilities, which is why I’m a psychic. Which, honestly, is the theory that makes the most sense about that, since I have no idea how I became a psychic. But he also said that I could’ve gotten another power. He said that he thinks that I, I teleported away from him. According to him, strong emotion can unlock powers or whatever, and, well, I was pretty terrified when he took me. So, if that logic works out, I guess that means that my fear could’ve kick started magic in me? And made me teleport away from him? Without me knowing what was happening? Is that even possible?”

Thor contemplates Loki’s theory. “What he said about emotion is true. My emotions affect my abilities, and the same is true with Loki. When we’re angered, our abilities are harsher, when we mourn, we are weakened, when we are confident, our strength is enhanced, and so it is continued with every emotion we can possibly feel. When we are fearful, our abilities are erratic and less controllable.”

“So you’re saying that, between me not even knowing about my powers and my terror making them erratic, I was unable to control it and ended up at S.H.I.E.L.D.?” you ask for clarification.

“Exactly. I know not about this Apparatus and whether it could possibly have given you power you had not before. All I know is that my brother’s description of emotion and our abilities is accurate.”

“So you think I’m a sorceress?” you ask jokingly. “Loki called me that.”

“I think it’s entirely possible. But be warned, Loki is a skilled spinner of tales. It is possible that he took the actual laws of the universe and weaved a tale out of it in hopes that he would ensnare you in his lies. While he may be telling the truth, it would be wise to remain skeptical,” Thor answers solemnly.

“Agreed. If I’m not careful he could even convince me to, I dunno, watch Twilight.”

Twilight? What is this Twilight?” Thor asks in confusion. 

“Let’s just say that if it were to come to it, it would be my choice of torture for whatever poor soul gets it.” Thor looks at you in worry. “It’s not really torture,” you say in assurance. “Just really, really poor writing.”

Thor nods in understanding and smiles. “Loki used to speak similarly about different Asgardian books. He is rather fond of literature. I have nothing against reading, but it is not something I do rather often. Loki used to tell me about how this book he had read was horrible and proceeded to tell me its every flaw. I wouldn’t read those books ever, not when he had told me they were unworthy of my time, so I didn’t mind. It was fun to see him so passionate over only some books, raving about how an unschooled child could write better in his sleep.”

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