Into the underworld

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You entered the main control room and saw Kikuoka checking on some data for the underworld.

Y/n: you called glasses.

Kikuoka: you know it wouldn't kill you to just call me by name.

Y/n: are you gonna tell me whats going on or not?

Kikuoka: Okay okay.

His face then turned very serious which had your attention.

Kikuoka: it's Kazuto he's in critical condition...

Y/n: What happened!?

Kikuoka: come with me.

You followed Kikuoka to the medical ward of the ocean turtle and saw Kazuto in a soul translator machine.

Kikuoka: he was attacked with a lethal poison and it caused his heart to stop and his brain to shut down. we're going to use the soul translator to try and heal him.

Y/n: so why did you call me here?

Kikuoka: I need you to use the soul translator and help him.

Y/n: In not against this but why me?

Kikuoka: because you both had used the soul translator before therefore you have the most experience and would be the best candidate for the job.

Y/n: yeah right you just want more eyes on the field don't you!

Kikuoka: N-no im serious Kazuto's life is our top priority right now.

after a little bit of thought you accepted.

Y/n: Fine but only because Kazuto's life is at stake.

Kikuoka: Thank you Y/n.

After you agreed you got changed and entered the soul translator afterwards you just closed your eyes and let the transfer begin.

when you opened up your eyes you realized you were in a forest and you clothes had changed.

(Your clothes are almost like kirito's but it's gray and white)

Y/n: Huh I guess the transfer worked but were's Kirito?

you looked around the area and saw that he was on the ground passed out. worried you ran towards him and shook him.

Y/n: hey kirito get up.

you noticed his eyes fluttering open and he soon sits up when he sees you.

Kirito: Huh Y/n what's going on where are we.

Y/n: well in the terms of where It seems we mangaed to make it to the underworld.

Kirito: Ok then.

Y/n: As for the why Well i'd like to know too.

Kirito then told you every thing that happened before he was attacked.

Y/n: (so he wasn't lying)

Kirito: anyway i guess we aren't going to be making any progress just sitting around here.

Kirito then slid his finger down the air so he could try to activate the menu.

Y/n: I dont think that's how it works.

Kirito: do you have any idea?

you just shook your head you were just as clueless as he was about this world.

Y/n: all we can do now is move forward and hope for the best right now.

You both nodded and walked deep into the forest taking in the view but as you kept walking you couldn't help but feel like you've been here before.

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