The dragon's den

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You woke up early and headed outside to meet up with Eugeo as always but you couldn't help but shake the feeling that something's wrong. You haven't seen Selka on your way out and the sister had been asking for her whereabouts.

It didn't take long for Eugeo to meet up with you.

Eugeo: Morning Y/n.

Y/n: Hey Eugeo what's up?

Eugeo: Not much and Kirito....

As he said his name kirito came running towards you

Y/n: There he is.

Krito: Y/n, Eugeo have you guys seen Selka.

Eugeo: Huh no I haven't.

Y/n: The sister asked you as well huh?

Kirito: yeah she said she hasn't seen her all morning.

Eugeo: Really?

Y/n: Did she say anything to you last night.

Kirito: Hmm she asked me to tell her why Alice was taken away that might be it.

Y/n: you dont think....?

Kirito: It could be a possibility...

Eugeo: This is bad we have to bring her back right away!

Y/n: okay then lets go! Eugeo lead the the way!

Euego: Right!

with that the three of you wasted no time running towards the End mountains but on your way Eugeo stopped in his tracks to look down on something.

Kirito: Eugeo whats wrong?

Y/n: Why are we stopping?

Eugeo: this flower has been stepped on.

Y/n: This means that Selka really did come by here.

Kirito: So she is at the end mountains.

Eugeo: Right lets go!

With that you both continued your run to the end mountains until you spotted the entrance of the cave.

Kirito: so these are the end mountains?

Y/n: And apparently the dark territory rests beyond this point right Eugeo?

Eugeo: yes I was surprised too when i came here the first time as well.

Y/n: Selka don't worry we're coming for you.

Eugeo: lets go.

you and Kirito nodded as Eugeo pulled out a peice of grass and began uttering a system command.

Eugeo: System call: Generate luminous element. Adhere.

when he finished the system command the grass started to illuminate creating a light source.

Y/n: Woah Eugeo was that-

Eugeo: yup a sacred art. it's a really simple one though.

Kirito: so you know the meaning of things like system?

Eugeo: meaning? There's no meaning. Its just a's a phase you use to call upon the gods to bestow a miracle.

Y/n: (so that's how it is they must see it as an magical incantation)

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