The hidden library

683 13 10

You Kirito and Eugeo were facing Eldrie synthesis thirty-one

Eugeo: Y/n that name...

Y/n: yeah I know we've heard that name somewhere before. but where?

Kirito: Eugeo, Y/n. we're gonna fight him.

Y/n: me and Eugeo will make a move first catch him off guard while he's distracted.

Kirito: are you okay with this plan Eugeo?

Eugeo: yeah theres something me and Y/n need to confirm first.

Kirito: okay then.

Y/n: Ready?

Eugeo: Go!

You and Eugeo run towards Eldrie and swing your chains at him but he manages to avoid  the strikes with a whip he pulled from behind him.

Eldrie: very good taking the first strike but I assure I wont go down so easily now "enhance armament"

Eldrie's whip begins to glow causing you both to back off a bit.

Eugeo: somethings not right...

Y/n: yeah lets keep our distance for a bit.

Eldrie began to swing his whip towards you but you were caught of guard when the whip suddenly extended.

Y/n: what?

Eugeo: Y/N LOOK OUT!

Before the whip was able to reach you Eugeo smacked the whip out of motion with his chain just barely missing you.

Y/n: that was way too close thanks Eugeo...

Eugeo: No problem but keep your guard up!

Eldrie: Impressive you managed to intercept my divine object the frost-scale whip rather quickly I might add.

Y/n: So that whip is a divine object huh? (crap that means these chains wont hold out for long we need to beat him as soon as possible.

Eldrie yes and with it I will force you to submit.

Y/n: Heh go ahead and try!

Kirito: whats the plan

Y/n: ill focus his attacks on me once i grab his whip Eugeo will grab his other hand and you will strike him. we cant beat him with these chains but we can at least knock him out so we can escape.

Kirito and Eugeo nodded

Eldrie: are you done Discussing,prisoners?

Y/n: as a matter of fact yes.

Good now lets see how long you three can keep me entertained.

Kirito and Eugeo began to back up a little as you took a fighting pose.

Y/n: system call: generate Static element.

five orbs of electric energy begin to charge in your hand.

Eldrie: Generate cryogenic element.

Y/n: Form element: lightning shape

Eldrie: form Element: bird shape

Y/n / Eldrie: Discharge!

you both unleashed your scared arts your lighting shots collided with each of his birds countering your attack and creating a smokescreen taking advantage of the sudden change you ran head first into the smoke catching him of guard as he brings his whip down barely missing you again but this time you were ready.

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