Your past..

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Y/n was never much of a outgoing person ever since his parents died a while back he would mainly stay home while juggling his part-time job aside from that he was mainly a shut in.

One day while coming home from work he saw an ad on his phone talking about the upcoming nerve gear and it's launch title Sword Art Online.

Interested in it you ordered the system and the game with some of the cash you saved from the part time job.

While you were waiting for the release you decided to join the beta testers to give yourself an edge for the full release. It was there that you met Kazuto for the first time. On the first couple of floors you worked with him and discovered a lot of cool things in this game and by working together you managed to reach up to floor ten beating the boss before the beta ended.

As a celebration of the games sudden release you called your brother named Ren who was in town for the month and asked him to come and grab the game with you since you both had already preordered the Nervegear and was planning on playing the game together on launch day.

After accepting you both met up and went to buy the copies of the game and you both bunked down in your house to play the game.

Ren : Ready bro

Y/n : Yup all set


With that you both were transported inside of Aincrad the floating castle in the sky.

You and your brother didn't waste any Time going out to grind monsters and level up a bit before taking on some quests and because of your knowledge from the beta test you were able to net some good hunting spots for you and Ren.

As you both check the time you realize that it's almost time to log out. you and Ren activated your menus only to realize that there was no log out button.

It was after that you both were teleported to the town of beginnings and the games creator Akihiko Kayaba. After he explained the situation regarding how everyone is now trapped in the game until someone clears 100 floors of the floating castle clearing the game. He left and shortly after everyone was thrown into a panic and amongst the chaos you pulled Ren into an empty part of the town to talk.

Y/n: okay ren we need to think of a game plan.

Ren: I-i don't know clearing 100 floors in a game like this... I don't think we stand a chance.

Y/n: Maybe not But I'm gonna try damn it! I got ourselves into this mess I can try and get us out.

Ren: Yeah you're right about that we need to work together if we're going to survive this.

With that you both walked forward with the determination to complete the game as soon as possible and return home.

As months passed you two were grinding in the game constantly learning new skills and completing dungeons for rare gear you two were known as the dragon brothers named after the floor 44th dragon boss you both Defeated on your own without the help of a guild or from members of the assault team.

But not all good things last forever.....

As you returned home from grinding ingredients you realize Ren was nowhere to be found you look around and see that he left a note for you.

Dear Y/n
    I'm off on a raid with the assault team we're gonna do recon on the boss for Floor 46 I'll be back soon promise.
                                                   From Ren

Seeing as it was nothing serious you made your meals for the day and put your brothers share in the storage after eating you went to sleep.

You woke up the following day to see that Ren hasn't returned yet feeling a bit worried that something has happened you rushed to the floor 46 boss dungeon to find your brothers body passed out on the ground.

Y/n: REN!!!

You run to him as fast as possible ignoring the fact that you're running head first into a boss room. You reach your brothers body and check his status to see that he's in critical condition not wasting any time you try to use a healing crystal to restore his health but it won't work. You find out too late that this is an anti crystal area and the boss has already locked the door.

You draw your sword and stand between the monster and your brother.

The monster was a giant bear with blades for claws and it's head was covered with armor that reaches to it's back.

Y/n: damn I don't know what to do I don't think my gear or level is high enough for this monster but I have to try.

As you approached the monster you swing at it with everything you had but the monster just shook it off you knew that this would be a very uphill battle.

After fighting it on your own you were at deaths door and there was no way outta this one as the Beast rushes at you with a swipe of it's claw all you could do was close your eyes and accept your fate but at the last minute Ren had jumped in front of you and took the strike draining the last of his hp but not before using his vertical slash to break the monsters armor giving you the opening you needed to stab the boss in the heart killing it.

You quickly turn to your brother who was beginning to fade away.

Y/n: Why....WHY DID YOU DO THAT!!....why damn you....

Ren: I'm sorry Y/n I didn't mean for this to happen if only I had just waited back home none of this would've happened.

Y/n: Why did you come here alone then.

Ren: Sorry for lying about that I just wanted to get you something.

Ren opened his menu and grabbed something that looked like a potion.

Ren: it's a skill potion it would grant the user a unique skill based on who drinks it. I'm sorry Y/n and I hate that I had to leave you like this but I know you'll survive this game meanwhile I'll go tell our folks I'm sorry and that I'm still rooting for you.......

With that his avatar flickered and flashed into tiny particles. Leaving only you......alone.

A few months after that while clearing another dungeon you overhear that the game has been cleared.

All you could do was smile and cry because you were able to survive and everyone was logging out on there own and you soon joined the light show. The next thing you knew you were in the hospital alone again.

Soon after you were approached by Kikuoka head of the task force.

Kikuoka: hello Y/n it's nice to meet you.

After explaining everything to him about what you know about sao and what you been through he offered you a place by his side and that's how it's been for you since the Sao incident. You worked with Kikuoka and helped him with furthering the research of full dive tech this way no one would have to suffer something like the sao incident ever again.

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