Trust in friends

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You ran back to your dorm and sat on your bed.

(Y/N): something doesn't feel right...

You pick up your sword and began to look at it deeply and not long after you decided to open a stacia window to see it's stats. But not until you saw a familiar spider crawl up on your arm.

(Y/N): wait a minute your that spider I saw during the sword tournament! (if you saw the light novel or finished the anime you would know what I'm talking about)

The spider didn't respond instead it glowed capturing you in a blinding light.

When that light faded you saw something but you couldn't make it out.

???: not one but two irregular units... interesting.

(Y/N):Wait what?

Before you could question whats going on the bright light appeared once more and you were back at the dorm the spider nowhere to be found.

(Y/N): After everything that's happened i thought i would've gotten the hang of this but I'm just as confused.

As you thought back to everything that's happened you remembered something important...

(Y/N): There's no helping it no matter what happens I'm never alone im gonna help them the best I can its all im good for at the moment. There the only two friends I have ever made in my life so i wont let them down no matter what.

after that you left the dorm you accidentally bump into Raios and Humbert.

Humbert: Hey watch it!

Raios: Oh its just you.

(Y/N): Sorry about that ill be careful lord Humbert and Raios...

Raios: Its okay it was an honest mistake I mean it cant be helped with how nobles are bound to rub shoulders with your kind.

(Y/N):Yes its something i simply cant help (I need to leave this conversation before I commit a hate crime!)

Humbert: Yes exactly and because of that we're willing to let you go off on your marry way now run along then you low born scum.

(Y/N): Yes sir right away sir. (I'm gonna kill these guys one of these days.)

With that you simply walked pass them your hatred clearly evident as they looked smugly at you.

(Y/N): Just those two wait im gonna reach the top 12 in that advancement test and then it'll be me who looks down on them.

The next day:

you Kirito and Eugeo were at the Metalwork's currently getting called out by the black smith for making Kirito's new sword.

Sadore: your lucky my calling was metal smith.

Kirito: s-so is the sword finished.

as he asked Sadore brought the sword to the table. but before Kirito could take a proper look at it Sadore stopped him.

Sadore: We haven't discussed payment yet have we?

seeing the shocked look on Kirito's face you and Eugeo looked at each other and nodded while turning to Kirito.

Eugeo: Don't worry me and (Y/N) can help you cover the price for the sword.

(Y/N): yeah me and Eugeo saved up a little extra just in case and brought it all with us.

Sadore: I might consider letting you have it free of charge.

as he said that he was slightly amused seeing your surprised faces.

Sao alization : Alternative (MReader insert)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin