The truth of the underworld

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You and Eugeo sat down with cardinal and listened to her explain the true history of underworld, Who Quinella was, How she rose to power, how she created the integrity knights and the impending war of underworld.

Y/n: so your saying that this world is fated to fall to ruin...

Cardinal: As long as Quinella is in control....yes.

Eugeo: All the teachings...everything was a lie...

Cardinal: I'm sorry Eugeo. ill leave you here to process what I said and go inform Kirito hopefully you'll come to an answer by the time I return. please enjoy the library in the meantime.

Cardinal then walked off to meet Kirito leaving you and Eugeo to ponder what she told you.

Y/n: Eugeo you okay?

Eugeo: Hehe it's almost like it's some twisted joke but shes not lying as want to deny it i can't. I knew that my life was small and wouldn't amount to too much but this is mind blowing. what am i supposed to do with all this info.

Y/n: lets not hurt ourselves and take things slowly remember what we're here for.

Eugeo: Y-yea finding a way to save Alice is my priority right now. well worry about what comes after later.

Y/n: That's the spirit now lets look through these scared arts maybe we can find something useful.

Eugeo: Okay then.

You and Eugeo began reading through some books filled with scared arts and what they did. You even got your hands on some rather useful ones.

While you were reading Eugeo decided to talk to you a bit more.

Eugeo: hey Y/n?

Y/n: what's up?

Eugeo: Remember when we were facing Raios and Humbert before and you came to help me you called me your brother. I'm just curious why did you call me that?

Y/n:...well it's because you always felt like a little brother to me and when I saw you hurt i spoke without thinking. was it weird?

Eugeo: No not really i'e always looked to you as a brother as well Y/n so its nice to know the the feelings mutual.

Y/n: Thats good to hear...

You both continued to read for a bit until you heard heard footsteps coming your way. You both turn around to see Kirito and cardinal.

Kirito: Hey guys thanks for waiting and sorry for taking so long.

Y/n: its cool im sure you were spending that time being informed.

Kirito: Huh she told you guys?

Eugeo: yup she told us everything.

Kirito: So how are you taking it?

Eugeo: In all honesty im still trying to process this whole thing but thanks to Y/n its a lot easier to work with...

Y/n: in the end all that matters is that were working together to defeat the knights and overthrow the Pontifex.

Eugeo: but before that cardinal do you know if Alice...the integrity knight Alice synthesis thirty, is the same as Alice Zuberg from Rulid.

Cardinal: Im sorry but the information i have access to here is extremely limited. I know that an integrity knight named Alice was indeed born but...

Y/n: your not sure if they're the same person.

Cardinal: No but what i can do is teach you how to reverse the synthesis spell for producing integrity knights.

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