Blue rose vs Osmanthus

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Eugeo and Alice stare each other down focusing solely on each other...

Eugeo: I know you dedicated to the administrator and the church but I refuse you let you be her puppet anymore. I'm going to bring you back I swear it!

Alice: then come at me with everything you have elite disciple Eugeo!

With that they both charged at each other clashing blades.

Eugeo knew he couldn't overpower her so he switched forms catching Alice off guard. as she tries to get her footing Eugeo takes advantage of the situation and attacks with a flurry of sword swipes trying to knock her over.

Seeing through his strategy Alice managed to not only block his strikes but parry him sending him back with her perfect weapon control art.

Alice: Impressive  you've managed not only withstand my attacks but you also managed to force me to use my Enhance armament.

Eugeo: I'm sorry but you know how far I'll go by now.

Alice: yes and I won't hold back anymore!

Alice has raised her sword into the air preparing an overhead strike.

Seeing his opening Eugeo quickly ran towards her but not to slash her instead he dived towards her with a powerful tackle sending them both down the hill with you and Kirito following after them.

When they finally landed Eugeo quickly used his perfect weapon control art to freeze himself and Alice at the same time.

Once the art was finished both Eugeo and Alice were frozen in ice leaving her hand open so Kirito can pierce her with the dagger but before he could her sword shined and her perfect weapon control art was unleashed without her doing anything. Thawing through the ice and releasing them both.

Once she was freed Alice pushed Eugeo away.

Alice: you never cease to amaze me disciple Eugeo.

Eugeo: I'm sorry it was foolish for me to think that such an attack would work. After all you were always the better one when it came to scared arts. I never missed praising your skills.

Alice's head began to hurt as she backed away it seemed that her memory module was starting to show.

Kirito: Eugeo keep going!

Eugeo: your sister Selka Zuberg had always looked up to you for her you were the ideal sibling for her.

Alice: I had....a stop!

Eugeo: Alice please remember please! don't forget everyone in rulid who miss you!

Alice: I-I



Eugeo: Alice...?


As she screamed she used her perfect weapon control art control art on Eugeo.

Kirito: Eugeo look out!

Kirito pushes Eugeo out of the way and tossed you the dagger as he countered her control art with his own.

The powerful strike they made was able to cancel each other out but before you had the idea to use the dagger you noticed the wall breaking.

Suddenly it fell apart and the sudden draft pulled Alice and Kirito outside

You and Eugeo were left to ponder what just happened but not for long as the wall was beginning to repair itself.

Y/n: oh crap!

Eugeo: Ah Kirito, Alice!

You both ran towards the opening but it quickly sealed itself leaving you both inside.

Y/n: no...NO!


All you could do was stare at the wall.

Eugeo: what do we do now?

Y/n: I...wait I have an idea!

Eugeo: huh what is it?

Y/n: system call generate full list.

You scrolled through the system commands until you found what you were looking for.

Y/n: initiate scan highlight Fluctlights.

When you said that a map appeared showing a map of the cathedral and multiple lights adorning it.

Y/n: okay so here's us.

You say pointing at the floor you and Eugeo are on and through closer inspection you both see two lights stuck on the wall of the cathedral.

Eugeo: Wait is that?

Y/n: yeah looks like it seems they somehow  managed to stick to the side of the cathedral. And from the looks of it they seem to be climbing up.

Eugeo: Thank goodness...

Y/n: They seem to be heading around 90th floor there's an opening there.

Eugeo: Okay then let's hurry and meet up with them.

Y/n: right!

You turn off the map and head for the next set of stairs with Eugeo.

Hey guys sorry this one was kinda short and it took a while I wasn't feeling good and I was kinda burning myself out with this series. (Don't worry I have no intention of stopping tho) but the next chapter won't be up for a while. I'll need some time to collect myself. Until then later.

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