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As the three of you continued to climb the cathedral up you started to get bored.

Y/n: Okay how long have we been climbing for now?

Eugeo: right now we're currently on the 35th floor. That means that we're getting close to the 50th floor now.

Y/n: ah I see.

Kirito: so whats the plan according to how the last fight went it seems that they arent good against combo moves...

Y/n: one on one could be an option but there's a chance they might have multiple knights waiting for us.

Eugeo: Then should we look for an alternate route instead for fighting then head on?

Kirito:I don't know about that. cardinal did say that these stairs are the only way up. and even if we did find a way up we'd probably get caught in a pincer attack later on.

Y/n: yeah its honestly not worth risking fighting multiple integrity knights at once there's only three of us...

Kirito: we should just face them and focus on beating them first even if it means using the ace up our sleeves.

Eugeo: Our perfect weapon control arts.

Kirito: yeah. Maybe the instant we charge into the 50th floor we could use our weapon control arts to neutralize as many knights as we can.

Eugeo: uh, about that...

Y/n: whats up?

Eugeo: my Perfect weapon control art isn't a powerful direct attack like what we faced.

Kirito: R-really?

Y/n: and my Control art is unique to say the least.

Kirito: oh well mind if I see the commands for it?

Eugeo: sure here's mine

Eugeo gives Kirito the paper with the commands for his control art. you look over kirito's shoulder to see the art in question.

Kirito: I see its not actually offense oriented. but it'll come in handy if we know how to use it right!

Y/n: It does seem useful for multiple targets.

Kirito: Okay it's your turn Y/n.

You give kirito your paper with the commands for you art as he and eugeo began reading it both of their eyes begin to bulge as they looked at both the command and then you.

Eugeo/Kirito: This is your Perfect weapon control art!

Y/n: Um yeah?

Eugeo: This looks very versitle and not only that it could also give us an overwhelming advantage over other integrity knights and their divine objects.

Kirito: Hes right Y/n this will be way more useful than our control arts.

Eugeo: By the way kirito whats your control art like?

Kirito: you'll have to wait an-

You grab the paper from kirito's back pocket and looked at the commands with Eugeo.

Y/n: Huh this ones really good actually.

Kirito: Y/n!

Y/n: look me and eugeo shared its only fair that you do as well.

Eugeo: he has a point and besides this looks like its compatible with my skill.


Before anything else could be said you three heard movement coming from above you and you quickly noticed two little girls looking down on you three.

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