Warming Up To One Another

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Coach Bombay stood on the other side of the boards with his arms crossed, eyes focused as he watched curiously with amazement at the different players on the ice. He was quite intrigued by the new recruits because they were currently beating the Ducks by three points. Not only did the Ducks not do much during the off-season, but they really needed to up their game if they want to be the new recruits. If it were two teams competing in finals, the Ducks would lose with ease. Some of their players were outstanding, for instance Adam Banks, but he needed help if he was going to score.

With seven people on the recruits' team, one needed to sit out and currently that man was Dwayne Robertson. Meanwhile, on the Ducks' team, they had two men out, Connie Moreau and Jesse Hall, who seemed to have a remark about each player on the opposing team.

Elliott passed by her brother and followed the kid with the puck, who went by Germaine. He passed it behind him to their broad shouldered defensemen. He came up with the puck and fought over it with Portman. Pushing Portman to the side, he continued and Julie kept her eyes out. Elliott fell to the ground after being hit against the boards by Averman. Garrett didn't seem to notice as he shoved Banks out of the way.

The defender from the Ducks team stopped abruptly just after the blue, in the Newbies' zone. He lifted his stick and got ready to shoot.

"Watch out!" Someone yelled.

Garrett looked around, seeing no danger, so he continued playing, along with the rest of the Newbies. As Fulton brought his stick down to shoot, the Newbies paused stance in the middle of the net grew curious. The Ducks had all skated out of the way and to the boards.

"What a bunch of Pansies!" Portman laughed, pointing to them.

Fulton goes to shoot and two of the Ducks shoved Garrett and Elliott to the ground, landing on the ice with them. Elliott fell against the boards with a boy half on top of her as he pushed her out of the way. She sat up a little and the boy got up, both of them watching the shot. Garrett stood up with the help of Conway and thanked him for his help, meanwhile, Banks watched from the ice.

The puck bounced off the post, hitting the wall, ceiling, and then came crashing down. "Duck!" Everyone called and Coach Bombay turned to see who they were talking to. The puck came flying towards Mr. Tibbles as the woman he was with had crouched down and covered her head. Tibbles fell to the ground after the puck had hit him and everyone 'ooed' and groaned at the sight.

All skating over to the boards, they fought for spots as they leaned over the sides and found their sponsor guy on the ground. Elliott got off the ice, fixing her helmet and then left the other boy on the ground. Banks stood up and lifted his helmet, approaching the boards behind Jesse, leaning over behind him to see who it was.

After the small scrimmage, and Bombay's children had shown off a bit with the other new recruits, he called everyone to center ice. Walking around, he kept quiet, wanting his players to feel intimidated but also curious. Garrett turned his head and tapped his sister's shoulder. She looked up and flipped her helmet to the top of her head.

"Why are we playing with the Ducks if they can't even beat us?" He whispered.

She shrugged and leaned over, cupping her hand over his ear so no one else could hear. The mix of new recruits and Ducks were scattered every where in the small group of fifteen people. "I don't know, maybe they just need to warm up?" She whispered back and looked back to the Coach.

He rubbed his hands together. "All right, stand up and huddle as tight as you can." He told everyone. Ellie and Rhett stood up, searching around at the other confused faces. Bombay left and came back with a giant rope like thing.

After tying all of the kids together, he took a few steps back and nodded. Half of them complained and pushed away from one another. At the back of the group, in which faced Bombay, stood the taller boys. Which was Adam Banks, Fulton Reed, Dean Portman, Garrett Caldwell, and Guy Germaine. Up front was the two goalies, Ken Wu, and Connie Moreau. The rest stood throughout the circle. In front of her brother, Elliott gazed at the boy next to her who went by the name Jesse.

Her arms to her sides, her eyes go wide as she hears Julie complain about someone's hands touching her. Elliott stood closer to her brother, practically hugging him, and he didn't move, allowing her to stand that close. Only because the two didn't know anybody else and they certainly didn't feel like getting to their know Coach, and or former father.

As kids complained about farts, hands, and too many people, Coach smiled and stood before the group of teenagers. "I don't know how to make this any clearer, but you are a team. And to win this thing, you need to work as one. Now, as one, skate."

Everyone had started skating and immediately fell. Jesse, who was next to Elliott, had fallen and accidentally pulled her down as well. She held on to her brother, but still fell and lost her balance. Someone else landed on top of her and she rested her back on Jesse's hip after falling.

"Everyone goes their own way, everyone falls down." Coach smirked, looking around at his players. "Now get up and try it again." He finished.

Garrett rolled his eyes, keeping his mouth shut. Elliott got up with her brother's help and then turned, giving Jesse her gloved hand. He nodded as a thanks and got up. With everyone standing together, Portman spoke up. "All right, all of you move to your right. Now."

"Who made you boss?" Fulton contradicted. Coach watched, without intervening to stop the conflict. "Everyone to the left." He urged.

"Yeah, left, come on, guys." Someone spoke up.

Once again, everyone fell down and Garrett was just about down with. Annoyed with several players and the coach for not doing anything, he wanted to just stand there and wait for it to all work out on it's own. Sadly, Rhett knew better than that and still participated.

After they were all able to succeed around the rink once together as a whole, they stood in three lines and Dwayne taught them how to line dance. Elliott kept messing up and wasn't a dancer, while Garrett tried to have some fun even if he did screw up a few times. Ending the practice, they played some game where they'd have to get caught like a cow by a rope that a cowboy threw, which happened to be the only cowboy there, Dwayne.

Skating around, Elliott stuck with her brother until they departed different ways from behind the net. Garrett had almost got caught but deked the rope in time, earning some cheers from effortless work. Elliott smirked at her brother's wildness and skated off. "Such a douche." She mumbled, stopping where there wasn't many players around her as she watched Dwayne 'kill' Goldberg, then Ken, and then Conway.

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