Five Players, One Sub

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Charlie skated over to Coach Bombay quietly, watching the five restart. Elliott and Adam had skated into each other somehow and fell. Portman and Fulton helped the two off the ground. The five restarted once again and Coach turned his attention to Charlie who approached him. Coach smiled down at his player, who was about the same height as him. "Hiya, Charlie, what's up?" He asked, diverting his eyes back.

He kept his concentration and focus while listening to Charlie. "I was thinking, maybe those three don't work well together-"

Coach turned away quickly. "What?" He asked.

Charlie shrugged with a slight head nod to the three forwards. "Have you tried replacing Adam and see if that would make a difference? What about the twins? Take one out and replace 'em?"

Coach Bombay shook his head at that last part. "I can't take one out. They're a team of two, no singles." He told his young player, who nodded. "We need their cross over play, that's a winner. Unless you're able to work with them and figure something out, then be my guest." Coach said, pointing the the five, where Portman argued that the pass was invalid and should've went this way instead of that way.

"Can I try?" He asked. Coach nodded.

"Adam!" He called out, blowing his whistle. The five stopped and Adam turned on his skates. Coach called him over and Charlie skated over. The players on the bench got comfortable, leaning forward and over one another, wanting a better view of the new five now.

"What'd I do?" He asked, a little upset.

"Nothing, just wait and watch." Coach answered.

Charlie joined four on the ice and got into position where Adam was. Garrett stopped and looked around for Banks, who he had forgotten the name of. Seeing him by Coach, he shrugged the though to the back of his head and continued with Charlie playing in Adam's spot. Charlie wasn't doing this to see if it would work and he'd become on the power line. He wasn't intending on stealing a spot, he simply wanted to help out and see if the twins could work with someone other than Adam.

Charlie passed the puck out to Garrett. Portman and Fulton stayed with their man, keeping Charlie open, like they did with Adam. Garrett went as far as he could, searching for some help, he about sailed the puck through the middle, again, but Charlie tapped his stick on the ice and called out. Garrett passed it over to Charlie before being shoved to the side by Portman. Charlie passed it over to Elliott, who deked out Fulton and managed to get an eye on the net.

Going to shoot, she couldn't and passed it over to Garrett across the ice. Garrett didn't even get the puck before being shoved harshly by Portman again. Charlie went over and helped him, taking the puck out and passing it back to Elliott. "Shoot!" Garrett hollered, scrambling to his feet quickly.

Ellie went and took her chance to shoot, rushing herself, she missed and it rebounded off the post, surprising most because she never missed a shot, until now. Garrett comes up and gets the rebound, catching Portman off guard. He cradles it before letting it sail off to the net, where it just passed Julie's glove and entered the net, hitting the white mesh.

Bombay nodded, seeing how there was a difference. Did the twins not work well with Adam? Was there differences aside? Charlie had spoken up, was that the difference? The lack of communication between the three. Not once did Adam call out or tap his stick. He tapped his stick in frustration, but he simply skated around waiting for one of them to pass, while Charlie got himself engaged and tried different things. By helping Garrett, he realized Charlie had his back and was ready to help.

Garrett and Elliott both did feel like outsiders, their close connection didn't help because they were always together and not making friends with everyone on the team. They knew their teammates, but not like how the Ducks knew one another. Coach Bombay, nodded with a smile, seeing that improvement go from below fifty and rocketed to one hundred below four minutes.

"That was amazing. Great communication between one another! Seeing that this worked and we've been here long than expected, you're all free to go. Get ready for Miss MacKay's in twenty minutes, don't be late." Coach clapped, applauding all his players.

Everyone skated off the ice and Adam waited, trailing behind. He approached Coach Bombay and spoke up. "Does this mean I'm off? I no longer play on the power line?" He asked, worried if he had lost his slot. Charlie never intending on putting it that way, he simply was trying to help out the team. He wanted everyone to be welcomed and feel that way. The twins seemed a little out of it, the circle wasn't completely because they weren't there. Charlie is only trying to get them with the team a little more, by showing them that he could work with them, showed the others that the twins weren't and aren't bad.

Coach stepped off the ice before Adam and shook his head as they walked to the locker room. Adam was a little upset. "No, we wanted to try something new. Charlie thought that maybe you three weren't well together. So, I allowed Charlie to try something."

"So, that means I am off?" He asked, not really listening to what his Coach had to say.

Coach stopped before entering the locker room. He set his hands on Adam's wet shoulders. "Like I said, we were experimenting. The twins have a little trouble passing, and we're all working on it. They don't know you're behind and open unless you say something. Charlie spoke up, and they knew he was there....But don't worry, you're not off the team, you're not losing the power line slot. I'll figure things out from what I saw today."

Entering the locker room, Adam bowed his head in thought as he walked over to his seat. Most of the players weren't undressed, but partially there while others hadn't even started. Coach Bombay headed to his office for a few seconds before watching his players get undressed. he applauded them and said he had somewhere to be. Sponsors and people wanted to meet him, the press had time for Bombay, but he didn't have time for them. Tibbles had things planned for Bombay, and that's what they were going to do now.

The twins stood up together, leaving their gear pushed under the bench. They left together and headed back to the girls' dorm room so they could play some Mario Bros. together. Connie and Julie liked that game and Elliott didn't mind sharing, she got to meet the girls a little more and hang out with them. She has no idea what Garrett does when he and all the boys are in their dorm. Do they all play games, talk, laugh and scream? Go shopping and do stupid thing s, or no?

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