The Dorms

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In the boys' dorm, Garrett lied on his bed with his Walkman on as he pondered on going over to his sister's dorm room to see if she was asleep or not. He was dying to play some video games, tomorrow they're going for their run, so he might as well play that night if he wants his games. Jesse, Adam, Averman, Charlie, and Guy sat on the ground playing a card game. They were quite loud, seeing as they had to out beat the other in the game of President.

They hadn't invited Garrett because he seemed at ease sitting on his bed and staring at the ceiling, with his hands on his stomach, as he listened to music. He seemed at peace, seeing that his music was quite loud since Jesse thought he could hear it.

"Yes!" Guy yelled, cheering as he had put his cards down first. "I'm President!"

Adam and Jesse were head to head on becoming Vice-President and Meteocre. Meanwhile, Charlie and Averman glanced every now and they at one another, seeing who'd get Donkey and Asshole. After, they'd play a game of spoons to test everyone's memory, speed, and strength during the childish game of grabbing a spoon without getting stabbed or hit.

Taking turns to put cards down quietly, Jesse spoke up. "You know, he isn't all that bad." He spoke, motioning towards Garrett.

"I like him." Charlie admitted, he was proud to admit that. He likes everyone on the team and wouldn't trade any of them for anyone else. The team is stacked the way it is and he thinks they did a stupendous job. The twins are different and although they may not pass often, he knows how good they play. That's their own play, they don't pass often. Luis can't stop and Dwayne sometime show boats, there's no difference.

"You like everybody." Averman piped up.

"No, I don't." Charlie called back and Jesse had thrown his last two cards down, gaining Vice-President. "I didn't like Adam's hockey team back in Peewees."

Garrett turned on his side, hearing some of them talk about him. He did like how they liked him, but he was upset how they were talking about hockey a few years back. His years in hockey were incredible, but he wished his father were here and knowing these were the kids his father had chosen, it sadden Garrett. Why not him? Why not his family? Why this fake family of Ducks?

In the girls' dorm, they were playing on Elliott and her brother's Nintendo Entertainment System together. Playing Super Mario Bros. 3, they would holler here or there as one died. They took turns playing as Mario, since Julie didn't like Luigi, and the other didn't mind who they played as. They had gotten shakes together about an hour ago, and now the remainder of them melted on the bedside tables as they were gathered on the small couch in front of the TV. They had moved a few things around the room so it was convenient for them.

Elliott watched as Julie maneuvered through the 2D came, scrolling the side of the screen. Jumping over something, Connie and Elliott made squealing noises as they were afraid Julie was going to fall off the map or get hit by a mushroom or turtle. The game didn't seem tense, but when you watched someone else play, it became the most dangerous thing in the room.

Outside the room, Coach Bombay looked a small piece of paper in his hands, knowing which of his players were in which rooms. He could hear laughing and yelling from a few of the different rooms as he walked by. Stopping at the girls' dorm, he knocked on the door and waited, glancing down the hall where he saw a player from a different team walk back to his room, unlocking the door.

The girls didn't hear the knock and had continued playing. Bombay sighed and knocked a second time, a little louder, and called out who it was. The girls stopped, looked at one another with knitted brows and Connie got up, being closest to the door. Opening the door, she smiled to her coach. "Hey, Coach."

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