5. you're intoxicated

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"You have so much more time. There are so many moments ahead of you, moments that will change everything; incredible moments that will make you forget all the bad seconds, hours, days, years."

Lewis insisted on paying for our dinner so I decided to set the table and serve our food and wine in order to contribute a little. The table in the kitchen was really small, perfect for just three people, making me feel a little extra.

Once the table was set and Lewis was trying to open sushi boxes; I plopped down on my chair, looking up towards him.

"What?" He questioned without taking his attention from the boxes. I couldn't help myself but think that he looked even more handsome with the light of the golden hour brushing gently against his strong facial features. "You're watching me again, birdie."

"How long am I permitted to crash here?" I asked bluntly.

His attention didn't get spoiled as he answered solemnly. "As long as you want."

"But I don't want to overcrowd your flat," I admitted. I was nibbling at my bottom lip, nervously waiting for him to reply. If I had to put it forward frankly, I didn't have anywhere else to go but here.

Lewis tore his eyes from the boxes that were finally open, only to shot me a wry look. He didn't speak up but gestured towards the door, making me scrunch up my face.

"You're annoying you know that right?" I pointed out.

Lewis smiled widely, with his dimples popping out. "Totally. But you like it." I rolled my eyes as he grabbed his glass of wine, lifting it up for a toast. "To Ayla," he began, hazel eyes lightening up with a naughty expression. "Who is brave enough to be sitting across a foreigner, that was a complete stranger to her just a couple of hours ago, in his place, eating sushi and drinking wine. Talk about being a free spirit now, yeah?"

I chuckled, his silly toast cheering me up. It was hard to believe that all of the things that he has just put forward were true. It hadn't even been twenty-four hours since I had left my parents' apartment back in Netherlands and I was already feeling much more independent.

I also raised my glass to make a toast myself. Lewis smirked at me waiting impatiently as I gathered up my thoughts. I started off after clearing my throat, which made Lewis purse his lips, trying not to laugh. I appreciated his seriousness.

"To Lewis," I started off. "Whom accent is so charming, wine is delicious tasting and country's drizzling!"

Lewis cracked up before I even got to finish my toast, his laugh being so contagious that I also broke off my solemnity and started giggling. "You've just lined up absurd stuff one after another so that they would rhyme, Ayla!"

I stuck up my chin in a stubborn manner. "I wasn't finished yet, you shouldn't have cut me off. As I was saying before I was interrupted, to Lewis," I cleared my throat once more. "Who welcomed a total stranger into his home, didn't question further why she was hanging around at the airport all by herself, respected her privacy and befriended her with his genuine but slightly cocky self."

We took a sip from our wine, synchronized. Lewis was the one who started off talking first, right after stuffing a piece of California roll into his mouth.

"About that," He said unsurely and I knew what was coming next. "Since we're stuck together for a significant amount of time now, why don't we continue that game of questions, birdie?"

I nodded before beginning to speak. "Speed round?" Lewis also nodded so I shot the first question. "Why did you sit next to me back at the airport? Was it because you were bored as you've told me or were you trying to hit on me?"

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