Chapter 8

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Everyone was cheering and I was trying not to fall asleep as I watched the fights, they were sooo boring and so uneventful. We have been watching these two girls fight for the past 5 minutes, these fights should last two or three minutes never five. 

Finally my turn, and I stand as they call my name. I'm too tired to pay attention to the other person who was called. I get into fighting position and feel eyes on me. I look up towards one of the seats to make eye contact with Kayden. I can't help but smile. He winks at me as he eats his popcorn. I look back at my opponent. 

She was pretty with long white hair and icy blue eyes. She controls snow, and the moment they said begin. She tried to come at me with the ice. I backflipped in the air and kept jumping around, avoiding the ice that could break me. I finally get to her and flip her arm. She tries to freeze my arm but I punch her on the head which instantly knocks her out and lets the ice melt. 

Everyone cheers for me and I ignore their screams as I stumble off of the arena and sit down. I stifle my scream as I take out a long icicle, so these don't melt. I shiver as I see a whole ton of blood pour out of my arm. I take off my shirt which left me in my black sports bra. I wrap the shirt around my arm and let out a breath of relief as I feel my werewolf abilities kick in. The ice girl was dragged off the stage, and I couldn't help but smirk. No one would win this.

"You're right, not even you." I look up and stare at Kayden with wide eyes. He smirks at me and I roll my eyes.

"You do know it's going to be hard to lose. I've never lost to anyone, it would be my first time." He shrugs and gets out of the seat. I watch him as he merges into the crowd. I hate him.

No you don't. My wolf murmurs and I try and not argue with her because she's right. I don't hate him.

"Cally." I straighten and turn to see Prince Aryn leaning against the bleacher. Everyone had left it was just him and I.

"Sorry, I guess I did lose a lot of blood." He goes to put his arm over my shoulder but stops himself.

"I- I want to help but if you're my mate-" I clear my throat and smile at him.
"Don't worry, I know what you mean. I can walk, I've gone through worse." He nods and walks beside me in silence. I could feel him glance at me every so often, but besides that we were silent. I could feel Kayden's presence so I wasn't worried about being alone because I know for a fact he wouldn't let me get hurt.

"You're brother wants to speak with you. He's waiting in your room." We stop in front of my door and I nod.
"Thank you, Prince Aryn." He sighs and shakes his head.

"You know it's Aryn." I force a small smile onto my face before opening my door and letting it close behind me. I don't move until I hear his footsteps retreat.

"Don't listen to your brother." Kayden whispers into my mind. I let out a small breath before walking into the living room of this dream of a room.

"Cibil." I say, as I put on a t-shirt and take out my first aid kit. I sit down at the table and take out the materials to stitch up my arm and wrap it up with gauze.

"Calynn, I saw you fighting. You've made our pack strong." I nod and clean the wound. In my head I was screaming, It burned so much.

"Of course I made the pack look strong. Since I am the only strong one from that pack. Either way, I don't know if you didn't get the message last night. But I kind of cut all ties with you and my old pack. Why are you here?" He sits down across from me and stares at me.

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