Unexpected Sorrow

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Chapter Fifty-Six
Pic of Boyd

Zack's POV

"Zack!" I heard my mate call for me.

Her voice wielding a painful sound. I ran with my vampire speed to her. I got a whiff of her scent coming from our bathroom. I quickly dashed inside slamming the door open. The sight before my eyes made something buried inside me break. Red water polluted the bathtub.

Blood came from my mates lower region. Tears roaming down her face as she clinched onto her stomach. Painfully sobs crying out from her lips. I quickly went to her carefully helping her out of the tub gathering her in my arms.

"Zack it's not time. They're not due for another four weeks." Fear edged it's way into her voice.

"It's going to be alright. Everything's going to be okay." I tried calming, reassuring her.

I don't know if I was only reassuring her or the both of us. I was scared for my mate, for my children. I pushed the bad thoughts aside. I can't dwell on negativity I needed to act fast.

I put Elena into a fluffy bathrobe and screamed for Annalise. Annalise bursts through the door and gasped at the sight of my mate. Elena screamed in pain once more.

"Get us to the Goddess! NOW!" I ordered.

Annalise ran to us taking our hands and mumbled something I couldn't hear or cared to hear. I wanted my mate safe as well as our children. I felt the sensation of us floating up to her realm. When I reopened my eyes we were standing in the Goddesses throne room.

As soon as the Goddess seen us her eyes grew wide. "Get them to the infirmary quickly!" Her voice too high pitched.

"Follow me." Annalise spoke urgently.

I nodded and we were quickly made our way to the infirmary. I held Elena tight in my arms trying to not cause her any more pain.

"Zack." Elena sobbed. "I can feel them pushing on me down there."

A tear welled up in my eye, I blinked it away. I need to be strong for my mate, for the both of us. Soon we went through a door with a hospital sign hanging above it.

The young man who I met when I firsts came here to Annalise's realm brung a large comfortable looking bed in front of me. If memory serves me right his name was Boyd.

I laid Elena carefully onto the bed. Boyd pushed Elena's bed into a room that smelled like cinnamon. It was a smoothing smell for the worsts reason. I stood beside Elena as her sobs turned into agonizing screams.

"Annalise I want you to go back and get Lilian and James. Lilian needs to be by Elena's side too. Tell everyone what has happened but waste no time in bringing Elena's parents here."

Annalise nodded and dissolved back to my kingdom. I turned my full attention on my mate. The Goddess bursts into the room with a doctor coverage on and long gloves up to her elbows. Sometime during the Goddess entrance Boyd left. The Goddess sat on a chair between Elena's legs.

"Elena I need you lay back, knees bent, and spread apart. Rest your feet on these here. " The Goddess said sweetly, pointing to two metal feet rests.

I pushed a fluffy pillow behind Elena then she followed the Goddess instructions. I held my mates hand while my other patted her hair. I attempted to comfort her, kissing her forehead. All while telling her everything is going to be okay.

"She's fully dilated." The Goddess frowned. She grabbed a mask pulling it over her mouth and nose.

Annalise appeared with Lilian and James. Lilian ran to Elena's left side telling her it's all okay. Elena cried out again. Tears along with fear swelled Lilian's and James face. I felt all the color drain from my face. Worry building up inside me. I closed my eyes trying to steady my breathing.

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