Twenty Six

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Chapter Twenty Six

Running probably hadn't been the best idea i'd ever had, but it seemed good at the time, and I didn't exactly have long to think over my options when I'd just smashed a fire alarm, ruining what was left of my friend's set, and causing a whole crowd to empty out onto the cold streets. It may have been early May, but it was still pretty chilly after sundown. 

I knew Ian would've continued to look for me, so I ran all the way to the nearest train station, not paying attention to the time or indeed any of my surroundings. All I focused on was getting on the first train that headed back to my town. My breath came out in foggy pants and my chest tightened with the icy air that surrounded me, but that didn't stop me. Running kept me warm enough anyway. 

It was only when I got on the train, hood up and ignoring everyone else around me, which granted wasn't exactly many people (there was only about 3 other people in the train carriage), that I checked my phone. 

As I had expected, there were multiple missed calls and a few texts from the others. I ignored them all, instead just typing a quick message to Ray that would have to do for now. 

"i'm fine. Lost you in the crowd. Bumped into a friend. Crashing at theirs - Frnk x" it was a shitty, unbelievable excuse that I would have to really think out in more detail at some point, but it would do for now, and that was all I was really interested in. I'd just have to hope Ray bought it and stopped worrying. 

With that I shoved my phone back into my pocket and spent the rest of the ten minute journey staring out of the window, despite the fact that I could hardly see anything in the dark.  I just sat alone in the corner, knees pulled up to my chest as I tried to calm myself. It didn't help that I was still tipsy, and I could feel my phone going off every now and then in my pocket, yet I ignored it every time.  I felt like I needed something, anything to distract me from the fact I was just very nearly... well, I don't know what could've happened, but I was guessing it would've involved pain, and the sheer force of those guys he was with. 

Dewees had been right, I needed to take this more seriously than I was. But at the same time I knew telling people would be disastrous.

Of course, what I really needed came in the form of a priest, who's house it took me another five minutes or so to walk to from the station. It was bitterly cold by that point, and my jacket just wasn't enough to keep out the chills that raced through me. It didn't help that it was dark too, the only light source available emitting from the dim street lights placed every now and then down the street, giving the pavement a dim, orangey glow.

Even as I walked towards Gerard's, which luckily wasn't too far from the station, I was still in two minds as to wether to tell him or not. But then again, if I didn't talk to someone I felt like I would explode. 

I know I was fucking the priest,  but I could still talk to him about personal issues. It would just be a more personal conversation that professional. That's if he was even going to be awake enough to answer the door. Otherwise it was going to be a long walk back home, and filled with plenty of questions from Ray that I really didn't want to have to answer just yet. 

Luckily for me Gerard's bedroom light was on. From where I stood it looked more like a bedside lamp than the main bedroom light, suggesting to me that he was probably up late reading or surfing away on his laptop without realising the time. 

I was going to right the doorbell, but then I remembered that Mikey was staying and so was probably asleep, so I went for a knock on the door instead. I had to wait longer than usual, and when Gerard did open the door the safety chain was on, revealing only part of his face. It was then that I remembered that it was gone midnight, and Gerard had probably been unsure as to exactly who would've been calling round at that time of night, hence the guarded expression that immediately dissolved when he was me standing there. 

Devil's Work (Frerard / Priest!Gerard)Where stories live. Discover now