2D, 3D, 4D

55 2 8

Ryaku and Ungaikyou have ended up in the Fourth Dimension, and are now looking around the beach. 

Ryaku: Woah... This is so cool....

Ungaikyou: I agree..... (mumbles) But I wonder if the others are alright.

Ryaku: (blinks) Huh? There were others aside from my friends?

Ungaikyou: A-Ah. (nods, takes out a photo to show him)

It's a photo of the Agency together.

Ryaku: (eyes widen) Woah, you know the Youkai Tanteisha?!

Ungaikyou: (nods) Y-Yeah.... Why?

Ryaku: (eyes sparkle) すごい! (sugoi! = Amazing! {Japanese}) I really like Youkai Watch Shadowside!

Ungaikyou: (shocked) You do?

Ryaku: (nods) It's so cool! I love Natsume, Touma, Akinori and Ayame SO much!

Ungaikyou: (notices) Eh? Not Keisuke?

Ryaku: (blinks for a while) Oh right! I forgot about him! (rubs head sheepishly)

Ungaikyou: (tilts head).... Is it because of the lack of character development that he has?

Ryaku: (nods slowly) He's kind of annoying, according to some of the fans on the Internet, cause unlike the other 4, he refused to believe in Youkai for no reason, despite the fact that he acknowledged it at the end of the first episode. (frowns a bit) I honestly can't believe that characters can be this horribly done.

Ungaikyou: Believe me, Keisuke was not the first character that Level 5 misused.

Ryaku: Huh? What are you talking about? (looks confused)

Ungaikyou: (shrugs) In Layton Mystery Tanteisha: Katri no Nazotoki File, Noah was proven to actually be a cool and calculating guy, but Level 5 just up and threw that out the window to let everyone else shine. Then we have Keita in the original series. One of the worst, if I have anything to say.

Ryaku: (nods) He was basically forced to be one of the worst characters in the entire franchise, if I do say so myself. No wonder the ratings for Youkai Watch went downhill, aside from Jerry. (sighs)

Suddenly, someone appears in front of them.

???????: Not unless we do something to change it.

Ryaku, Ungaikyou: (nearly jump due to shock)

Ryaku: W-Who are you?!

???????: (smiles enigmatically) Hello there, Mizuya Ryaku, Ungaikyou. I am Oedipus, and I used to be a Fate Changer.

The opening plays.

*Note: It ends at 1:30.

(The music starts playing as Natsume Amano turns into Shuka's awakened form, then Akino Kin opens up the game system as Ryaku Mizuya opens up his Magical Gates and Young Aruke Kin activates the Nature power.)

当这世界被黑暗困住 Dāng zhè shì jiè bèi hēi'àn kùn zhù When the world is being trapped by the darkness

(Keisuke Amano is shown leaning against a wall, while a silhouette who's hugging a monochrome bear grins maliciously as Keisuke curls up, crying a bit.)

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