A British Explanation

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Once again, a group is brought to Victorian London, but this time it's in a different world....

A world 10 years after, to be precise...

In the Layton Detective Agency, Hershel (K), Luke (K) and Katrielle "Katri" Layton, Hershel's adopted daughter, are sorting through a bunch of papers.

Katri: (wipes some sweat from her eyebrow) We still need more of these if we want to post them all over London.

Luke (K): (grunts slightly as he lifts some of the papers) But these things are HEAVY.

Hershel (K): (nods) Even I have to agree with Luke. (soft tone) Don't force yourself too much, Katri. He WILL come back. Just not now.

Katri: B-But..! (looks worried)

Luke (K): (pats her) Just take it easy, Katri. You're so tired already.

Katri: .... (looks down) O-Okay then...

Hershel (K): (smiles) Good. Now, we should have some tea now-

Before he can say anything else, though, a portal opens up and tosses Ceels, Rau, Choiseung, Bloody, Mountaineering and Akinori out without a care for the world before it closes, leaving the group confused and dazed.

Bloody: (rubs her head) It's so painful...

Ceels: Yeouch!

Mountaineering: My head hurts...

Rau: (mumbles) I feel like I was thrown off a cliff...

Choiseung: (grumbles) I hate portals now.

Akinori: Seconding that.... (stops) Wait, Rau-san? Choiseung-san?

The two adults blink as they turn to look at the shaman-in-training, their eyes widening, showing that they recognised him.

Choiseung: Akinori?

Rau: What are you doing here?

Akinori: I can say the same about you guys! Why are you here?!

Rau: Uncle Aruke's been kidnapped, so we're trying to find out where he is.

Ceels: (eyes widen) Wait, what?!

Bloody: He's been what?!

Mountaineering: Please tell me this is a joke! (stares at Rau and Choiseung) 

Choiseung: (shakes head) It's not, I'm afraid. Believe me, we want this to be a joke too... 

Akinori: If it was, it would be a horrible one... 

Bloody: Yeah..... (looks down)

Ceels: (notices the dark atmosphere) Come on guys! It's not like you to be so down like this! 

Mountaineering: Yeah! We can save Aruke-san! We just have to keep on believing and trying!

Rau: (nods vigorously) Come on, Choiseung! We've been through tons of things! What would make this one different from them?! 

Choiseung: Not much... 

Rau: Then why are you so down?! 

Choiseung: (sweatdrops slightly) I'm not so sure... But.... (rubs his head sheepishly) You're right. We CAN save Uncle Aruke! (smiles)

Rau: Precisely! So turn that frown around and give your best!

Choiseung: OH! 

Mountaineering: Come on, Akinori! You're better than this! Nade always loved your optimism! Where did that run off to?!

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