Defeat the Traitor! Boss Battle Time!

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Keita: (eyes widen) ORDER! (rushes over with Aruke) 

Bao En: W-What?.... (is stunned beyond understanding)

Keisuke: H-How could you do that?! (angry) 

Karan: (laughs) I needed a way to tell the world that he was just the dud I set up so the full blame would fall on him in case any resistance came. (smirks) It went way better than I expected. 

Yuujin: H-Huh?! (eyes widen) 

Noah: What are you talking about?! 

Junko: (eyes narrow) She means that SHE was the mastermind all along. The one who was pulling the strings behind Order all this time. 

Karan: Correct!~ (laughs evilly) Gosh, you guys truly believed that stupid guy with a brother complex could pull this entire thing off?! Geez, how stupid of you! (grins) In fact, the only reason I made him the "Master" was all so I could get my hands on the Forbidden Book!

Aruke: W-WHAT?! (stunned)

Konju: W-Wait... (the puzzle pieces fit in, his eyes widen) T-The only people left who had that book... C-Could it have been...? 

Karan: (smirks) Indeed! Tomako, also known as Kirigiri Jin, gave the last copy to Rufus, while giving the original to Order! 

Lizzy: (scowls) S-So that was your plan all along....

Ceels: How dare you! (growls, lunges for her)

Karan: (dodges, kicks him back) 

Manuel: (catches him) You okay, Ceels?! 

Ceels: Y-Yeah... (gets back up)

Keita: You won't get away with this Karan! (gets into a battle stance)

Rasen: Agreed! We won't lose to you! 

Karan: (laughs) Oh, foolish mortals. How can you say that when I've already won? 

Y Aruke: What are you talking about? (serious) 

Karan: (giggles) I'm talking about this! (takes out a brown leather book, with an elegant title "Destroy Good" on it) 

Aruke: (gasps) T-That's...! 

Karan: Yep!~ It's Tomako's book~ (opens it) Now, it's time to reboot the world and make it a "better" place to live in~ Where VILLAINS and ANTAGONISTS run wild!~ (smirks)

Junko: N-No way! 

Tireni: We can't let that happen! 

Tadeoniu: No, we WON'T let that happen. (firm) We'll fight people like you from the beginning to the end! Up until we take our final breath! 

Kagemi: Yeah! 

Jorogumo: You messed with the wrong people, Kenyu! (gets her vines and leaves ready) I'm avenging what you did to Cuddly! 

Keisuke: (glares) For making Neechan, Touma, Akinori, Ayame-san and the rest suffer through me, you're going down! 

Natsume: (summons her whip) I'm not going to forgive you for what you made Keisuke do! 

Bao En: Agreed! 

Chilly: Let's do this guys!

Bloody: OH! (gets her bats ready)

Keita: Let's go guys! 

All: YEAH-

Karan: Not happening! (calls out multiple energy balls, throws them towards the group plus the SRS)

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