Digital Fighting

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Kuriwa: (nods like a giddy little kid) Agreed! The Digital World looked awesome!

Masaru: (grins) Meh, not really. (chews on some meat) Once you've lived here for 2 years, you get bored of seeing this over and over again. 

Agumon: But you don't regret it, right Boss? 

Masaru: Why on Earth would I?! It was one of the best decisions I made in my life! 

Konju: (smiles a bit) 

Konju and Kuriwa have been literally thrown into the Digital World, meeting Masaru and Agumon after falling right on top of them. After getting organised, Masaru had led them to his house, which was quite quaint. 

Kuriwa: Anyway, thanks for taking us here, Masaru-san

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Kuriwa: Anyway, thanks for taking us here, Masaru-san. 

Masaru: It's fine. After all, I can't leave you kiddos stranded, can I? 

Konju: (smiles) Anyway, we haven't introduced ourselves, so I'll start. (grins) Konju Rudi, Borrowed Actor at your service!

Kuriwa: (chuckles) Mamashi Kuriwa, Light Enchanter. 

Masaru: As I've mentioned, Daimon Masaru, 5th Legendary Warrior, Digital World Ambassador. (points to Agumon) And this is Agumon, my partner/lackey. 

Konju, Kuriwa: Lackey? (looks confused) 

Agumon: (nods) Boss beat me in a fight the first time we met. After that, I swore to be his lackey. 

Konju: T-That can happen?... (thinks: Japanese are strange... Wait, hold on, Ruke's a half-Japanese... Agh, Ruke's better than this....)

Masaru: Anyway, how on Earth did you end up here? 

Kuriwa: Well, my friends and I fell into a portal that appeared out of nowhere. 

Konju: Chaos called us over to our hill, where Ruke and I went through a portal to save his future self. 

Kuriwa: (blinks) Ruke? As in Kin Aruke? And save him?

Konju: (blinks) Yeah, do you know him? (stops) Wait, now that I think about it, Chaos DID say that we were going to the future, meaning that this is the future.... 

Masaru: Yeah, it is. Anyway, what about the other question? 

Konju: Well... Apparently.... Ruke's future self was kidnapped.... 

Kuriwa, Masaru, Agumon: WAIT WHAT?! 

The screen fades to black, and the opening begins. 

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